yeah i love this show. im still trying to make sense of the season finale though. is he going to a secret prison or does he have to work for the CIA or something? maybe i should rewatch the end lol.
I'm a bit confused, I think they left the specifics out for that reason. From my take, I think he took his job back seeing as how Fi was so upset with him. Plus the suit and jets. I'm for sure looking forward to the next season though, going to be interesting to see how it all pans out.
havent watched this since season 3 or 4 when i had my cable off for a while and then i never picked it back up. maybe ill rewatch some time but to be honest the acting/writing got kind of old. the first few seasons were cool though
Yeah I usually fall behind a bit too, Thursday is an unusual day to air the show, I always seem to forget.
Yeah I love the show, in the meantime waiting til next summer for the next season I'll probably re watch the first couple seasons again. I love the narration that you get on the show, plus the DIY stuff is really interesting.
Man this last season is crazy..the second to last episode i was like daaaaaam now I gotta wait a whole week for the series finale
Ive always had a love/hate thing with Burn Notice. its so goddamned cheesy its good. I enjoyed it more when they were just helping people.
my favorite show by far. watched the season 1 premier all those years ago and was hooked and i just watched the final episode. not gunna lie, i teared up a little. i already miss it.
I don't think they could have possibly made a better final episode. I'm definitely going to miss that show.