Okay so Feb 3/2024 I planted some seeds, they sprouted and everything was good. These 2 strains were Ghost Train Haze and Holy Grail OG with Gaia Green Living Soil as the medium. Around 10-14 days I noticed what looked like a rust spot on Holy Grail so I bought nutes and fed 1/4 teaspoon as instructed. Jack’s Classic 20-20-20 without Epsom and Gypsum yet. After 1-2 weeks all leaves got yellow with brown spots and the single leaves turned brown and yellow. Managed to top them and the new sites are green while old leaves stayed yellow. One of the plants has continue showing brown spots on yellow leaves but the “bud sites” seem to be growing green.. So on Feb 23/2024 I planed TWO NEW SEEDS AND STRAINS and this time only Peat Moss, Hummus, Lime and Perlite as the medium and AGAIN I fed them nutrients (Canadian brand similar to GH trio) with 1.2mL/Gallon of Cal Mag around 10 days... THIS TIME my new plants have different issues and I’m not sure what it could be? My tap water is 160ppm and 7.5pH BUT after the issues on my NEW PLANTS I flushed BOTH with distilled water @ 0ppm and 6.5pH and I’m not sure if they getting worse now The brighter picture is of the SECOND new plant that has less affected leaves: BTW images blurry GC never lets me upload Extra Info: LM281B LED 320w light @ 25% = 80w at 20inch height 76f with 74% RH lights on and 65f with 80% RH lights off PLUS Gaia Green came infested in gnats so between all the first week of my first two plants I was going between drought and crap loads of DE powder mixed in which may have caused issues along with mixing of Gypsum and Epsom
Welcome to Canada, eh Your water sucks bro. Hard water kill em everytime Actually, that's not totally true, but yea. If you purchase Nitric acid and pH down to 6.0, that hard water will convert from calcium carbonate to calcium nitrate = fertilizer. So you can work with it. I usually feed 50/50, and actually, been using 5L tap 10L RO lately for my Drain-To-Waste (DTW) plants (~30% runoff each time). I like this as I can flush out the excess carbonate instead of it collecting to toxic levels in the plant's container. Also, just saying cuz yur in Canada, I've been using Plant Products (along with calnesium solution but no calcium nitrate) and things have been working great. I got 15kg of Plant Product Bloom for <$80 CAD last week. Solid price, might want to reconsider your approach. I recorded this in the following journal Plant Products MJ Fertilizer Line in the Coco Grow Trial But you have what you have. You may want to consider this method of flushing: The Fast and Furious Flush'o'matic For now, working with what you have, aim for a pH of 6.2. Also, start collecting ~30% runoff and measure the EC and pH. Compare these numbers with what you fed. It's pretty well explained in the F&F flushomatic thread.
well 1 thing for sure they need more light 25% at 20 inches is not cutting it in my opinion and whatever soil concoction you cooked up is not working out either next time just try a normal generic potting mix and plain water plants need light and minimal food for the first month
Sorry I might be slow just woke up and got fried lol BUT if I understand you correctly, you’re saying the calcium in the tap water is the issue? I would assume it is too because after running my humidifier first weeks I noticed my lights and screws/hangers had white dust all over them and thought it was DE at first but realized it was the tap water! But I legit went to store and bought 4L x 15 bottles of 0ppm distilled water to use with nutrients and pure waterings because this is my last option before just flowering what I have and buying seeds from a new provider and see if that works but honestly tired of wasting $$ from trash soil branded as “quality” all over the web to buying extra nutrients and stuff LOL Also I read your journal and I am guessing it’s Future Harvest? This is the nutrient brand I used FH Micro Grow and Bloom BUT I used TAP WATER with 160ppm BEFORE nutrients and my leaves got like this (if I remember I think I added Cal Mag from Indo because my Jacks 20-20-20 plants seemed to have the issue so I fed that before hand) but after FLUSHING with 2L each pot (after 600mL usual feeds they seem to give back 80-186mL run off) they seemed to get worse? Today when I switched the lights off it seems to have “paused” but I’m not sure since they’re dropping now and didn’t really inspect them. Also is Calnesium nitrate free or did I read wrong? Honestly growing mush was easier and my first run was flawless even without the sterile equipment but this weed growing has been puzzled and just wasting more money than buying the packs I do lol Overall you’d say I have nutrient burn or pH issues? What medium would you recommend? Kind just pissed cause I went from Gaia Green soil full of gnats to bale of PROMIX HP soaked outside the store so never used it scared of gnats then Jacks 20-20-20 and 10-30-20 with Epsom + Gypsum then FH Micro Grow and Bloom with Indo brand Cal Mag reading pH run off, going in, ppm meters etc. All to avoid doing DWC Hydro because everyone said organic but then can’t do less than 7 gallon not tap water blah blah so I went with recommended Jacks Classic but issues then got new peat medium with FH trio and cal mag with different strains and now issues again but different ones lol... Am I better off spending all my money buying my BM packs instead? Traded most of my smoking money to start this grow but probably would’ve been better off trading zooms for tree cause at this rate I will get 30 grams over 6 month FUCK
Lol I think it’s me burning them since at day 10 I fed each plant nutrients BUT my first 2 plants did get a rust spot which led me to feeding them early... plus the Gaia Green soil was new and had gnats so I was watering all stupid already and mixing crap load of DE into soil and covering top Bought PROMIX HP new but store had it frozen and soaked so never used it scared of more gnats... so Golfgreen Seedling mix is Peat Moss, Perlite, Lime AND Hummus and at the start the seeds were GOING HARD AND HEALTHY but then I fed them AGAIN at day 10.... Which resulted in the images I posted but now after flushing I’m lost Should I just do 2 NEW SEEDS AGAIN and try hydro or just feed 0ppm water until 4 weeks from above soil? I’m really sad because these plants were 2 new seeds and had root tails from seed in 13 hours, sprouted from soil 2 days (80w at 18 inch height) and growing so I pretty, first feed made them so green compared to my Jacks 20-20-20 plants so I guess I got stupid and fed more instead of pure water then after the last feed only Tap Water until last night being FIRST TIME using 0ppm water distilled! I have ran my lights at 50% so 160w at 18 inches but I have a sativa I did not top yet was told to let it rest after transplant and I’m not sure if that plant was getting light issues since too leaves was getting yellow around edges
Sorry for my wall of texts I just want to give most details / train of thoughts to get help I want to grow my own to cut back buying packs (I don’t buy legal and never will) but I also don’t want to be spending $ to grow trash or spend 12 months growing less than a QP when I get pounds for $350-900 for AA to -AAAA but why pay other growers if I can grow too? Maybe I can’t who knows but I rather fail and close up the tent before giving up (I bought 2 brand nutes, cal mag, epsom, gypsum, 3 LED lights 2x 320w and 1x 100w plus my tent) so having spent all this money it’s fuckery seeing what I’m doing or not doing
Hey man, learning takes time. Mastering takes much more time. You are kinda asking a bunch of questions, or at least coming from all angles. Let's not worry about lighting right now. I suspect your plants did that because the EC/TDS/PPM is too high for seedlings. You can feed young plants, but generally, I give maybe 1mL of calnesium (or calmag) to 4L of water (at first, later on it is 2mL). I add maybe 1/4 of the recommended nutes once the true leaves appear (ie. not the cotyledons). In your case, the EC in the water is very high, and this affects the plant at early stages (and later stages if they are not used to it). I would just start using 50/50 tap/RO water. You can purchase the 18.9L RO bottles at the grocers. The thread I linked was on Plant Products fertilizers. I used coco in that journal. I have other journals and mostly do hydro, which you should really use RO water (pretty much always); that's when I use the Future Harvest. I've grown plenty in peat moss and dry nutes; just start light with the 50/50 water. The pH... did you check the pH of the runoff? Please check that and report.
bro, you can do this. I can have you growing pounds before the end of the year. Let's get you going in peat moss. The peat moss you purchased, you can place some in a metal container and bake it @300-400 °F in the oven for 30 min or so; this will kill the bugs and other shiat in there. If you are using three part, you don't need gypsum or epsom salts. What brand calmag did you buy? It's important, like Calnesium uses 2mL/4L (standard), same as Flora's Calmag, but Calimagic uses 1mL/L of water (ie. half the strength of calnesium), so yea, tell me what brand. The plants you have, cut off those burned spoiler leaves. Feed the plant at 6.2 pH using 50/50 water mix I described in the previous post. Feed enough to collect the runoff and measure the EC & PH of the runoff. This will tell us a lot. Start there...
I know it seems like that because I have read and read and read and watched videos but nothing matches mine? The closest I have gotten so far is pH being the issue but I DID do run off for pH and I got 5.2pH (sorry if didn’t mention this) YESTERDAY after flushing both plants with 250mL of run off (I don’t want to over water and cause new issues aka gnats) but this is after calibrating my pH meter after I watched someone on YouTube had a plant in the background with similar issues, went through all their videos and in one they claimed they never calibrated and the plants went wild... So that’s why I asked here if it’s a fertilizer issue or pH since my Jacks 20-20-20 plants had different issues BUT both began after feeding at day 10 except these plants look insane burned or dying Also no RO water in my area hell only 2 stores across the city seem to sell Distilled Water but it’s 0ppm and 6.5pH is that okay for DWC? Or should I try again with new seeds but PURE 0ppm water until 21-28 days from breaking soil? My main question are is this just nute burn and is it safe to keep or plant new seeds and feed plain 0ppm water until day 21-28 versus my feedings at day 10? PS I have fed at 25% 30% even 40% (both Jacks Classic and Future Harvest) but the Jacks plants are now at 100% feed since it’s only 50ppm at 1/4 TSP If my nutes have cal mag in them should I be adding extra? FH sells Calnesium so I would guess you would feed cal mag along side but then again yesterday was my first time using blank canvas water so to speak
Plants in picture are using the following: Future Harvest Micro, Bloom, Grow at 40% last feeding with Indo brand Cal Mag @ 2mL/4L (5-0-0) this 2 plants began a new brand of nutes (FH) as I thought maybe I was not doing something right My FIRST two plants not in the pictures are running Jacks Classic 20-20-20 and now using Cal Mag but previously were using Gypsum and Epsom before as the symptoms I had were yellow with brown spots which slowed down after cal mag BTW I have a pressure cooker I use to make my substrate sterile so you think I could do the same with the PROMIX HP or would a oven be easier? Will this smell like poo poo all over house? Please be my Yoda bother or sister cause I wanna sustain myself and would feel really good gifting less fortunate people with decent buds even if they not pretty
the pH is too low. Mix a bit of tap to increase the pH. Your runoff should be near 6.0 (6.5 is fine). don't start DWC unless you have an RO system. Anyhow, DWC is fine, like if you are running a bubbler, but if you are planning on a CCH2O type system, not without an RO system. You should maybe check some of the alternative hydro systems I've posted, but yea, let's just keep focused on your peat moss grown plants. Get a hang of that first. Feeding at day 10 is fine. Should be feeding near 200-300 ppm (using RO and nutes). If you have 50/50 tap/ro mix, check the EC before adding anything and then add nutes to 200ppm. Always add calmag to the RO water (just start at 1mL per 4L water).
the brown spots are from calcium deficiency, so adding calmag good, but adding epsom will lock out more calcium, just don't mess with gypsum (aka drywall) and epsom for now. You don't need to add that, you'll mess it up. too much nitrogen in that imo; Normally, first grows, I try to get people started on Maxibloom, or as I mentioned, plant products MJ line works nice as well (and is cheap). You can still work with 20-20-20 though, just tricky. Like I said, 200ppm to start em. Measure the EC going in, measure the EC going out. And when I say EC, I mean TDS/PPM whatever you want to use, just that TDS and PPM can vary between instruments, but EC is always the same. I've never used a pressure cooker, just bake it when I've left the bag outside. You can try it, but when I bake it, I mean, it smells a bit like peat moss for an hour or so, nothing too strong. I'm already your brother. I'm with the good guys But first things first, get that pH in check. I hate flushing media, but it's a necessary evil at first, get that pH near the 6.0 mark. Review the F&F flushing thread I linked. You don't need to use a vacuum (it helps), but the balancing of the water/soil pH needs to be understood.
Sorry I know mentioning different nutrients might have confused the conversation so just to be clear: I have 4 plants total but the images in this thread are for the my 2 plants using Future Harvest Micro, Grow and Bloom along with Indo brand Cal Mag (all Canadian) which the last feed was around day 10 or 12 with the FH Trio + Cal Mag both at 40% after a first feeding at 25% few days before (total ppm going in was 380 and ph was 6.2) and this is when the leaves got ugly af as you see in the pictures hehe The reason I mention the Jacks 20-20-20 plants was because initially around day 7-8 I saw a rust spot, freaked and another member suggested the Jacks Classic which began yellow leaves then realized wasn’t burn but cal mag issues which is where I brought in the Epsom + Gypsum (at the time was buying cheapest I could I was using my smoke money to buy equipment) but those plants are not in this threat sorry for confusion! I do have a pH meter, EC/ppm meter (I can use EC if easier for you to help me) and pH UP and pH DOWN (again avoided these to keep it simple lol) and yesterday I did a flush using 0ppm distilled water or 0EC distilled water from the grocery store (no RO here) BUT my concern was that the plant got WORSE or maybe just the salts flushing out? I’ll be able to check the plants better at 1pm when lights go back on! Do you think I should do another flush with 2L again? I am scared to feed again but not sure if that will cause issues too PS: I will do your mix of Tap + Distill water but seeing how just my Cal Mag at 50% strength is 100ppm do you think just pure distilled water + nutrients would be safer until the plant can eat like more ppm/EC?
I would recommend letting tap water stand overnight to dissipate chlorine and repotting your struggling sprouts into fresh soil. There is an inherent heartiness of cannabis that can weather nearly all mishandling and adverse conditions so all is not lost. I don't have a grasp of all the technical details discussed thus far but my experience points to plants doing better the less I fret over them.
no, just feed using 50/50 tap/RO at pH 6.5. generally I start with just 100% ro until the plants mature some, but they are already passed seedling stage, so 50/50 should work fine.
u know, it's good you bring this up because I am assuming a lot here. And I say that it's good you bring it up, because most places actually use chloramine nowadays, and that doesn't dissipate. So why is it good to bring it up? Because @Letsgetbakedbro should look up their Water Quality Report (on the internet for their municipality) and show us this report. I assume the water is hard; I don't know, it could be soft, and if that's the case, well... let's cross that bridge when we get to it. @Letsgetbakedbro Please look up the Water Quality Report and show us what it looks like.
So I found my water testing quality or whatever it's called but I don't get it so maybe you guys can check it out? https://www.peelregion.ca/drinking-water/reports/2023/south-peel-water-quality-report.pdf I do know my water is 160ppm and has chloramine but since I was going buck wild trying to save my first 2 plants I bought aquarium conditioner that removes chlorine and chloramine so would this be okay? I stopped using it a few times to see if it was affecting anything but not sure Honestly I don't know if I can save these 2 plants at this rate the brown rust will be all over the plant as new growth is getting it and if it doesn't stop it'll have taken over the whole plant How would I repot? Rinse off the roots? Honestly seeds are so so expensive vs back in 2018 when I wanted to start growing that it's bummy if I have to throw these but I don't want to keep wasting time on them if they're lost cause (they were the healthiest too and fast growth)
I believe this as my first 2 plants were suffering but they have been exploding since I got feeding under control but edges are getting yellow so not sure if cal mag or LED burning but they're been growing and pretty leaves I don't need but I want to grow decent size plants At this point as stated above I feel like killing these 2 plants and starting over again I'm just sad because they were the best plants and growth was so fast and strong and I think I messed up feeling at day 10 but damn either my Future Harvest nutes are really potent or something is off with the chemistry and fried my plants so bad BTW I was leaving them open air in large beer mugs but then found out about chloramine so I got chlorine and chloramine remover ever since but honestly I don't know anymore!!!
Alright so I wanted to share extra information with you guys: I checked the plant and while the leaves are all fried except the new set of nodes growing/fan leaves which are still nice and green (Obvs lol) but I noticed the “bud sites” or the shoots in between the V shape area of the node sets are growing very healthy and have gotten bigger than the picture below!!! If this growth keeps healthy should I top my plants and try to see if I can get new growth rush or possibly get a cutting off each plant? Or I can start new seeds and follow you guys methods blank slate but after seeing the “nodes” growing healthy I have hope again lol PS older image I haven’t taken new ones yet
this is the hardness. It's as I suspected; hard water due to calcium carbonate. You can neutralize using nitric acid to make calcium nitrate. They do mention in the report that the water is gassed with chlorine. What a bunch of crap in our drinking water. Should have a big fat carbon filter right when it comes into the house. anyhow. The water is ok, just thin it down. Stop using gypsum and epsom, just use calmag. I'm not familiar with that brand, you should double check and make sure it has calcium, magnesium AND iron in it. Don't top your plants yet. You can clip off those ugly spoiler leaves. Let them recover. Feed as I suggested. Get that (runoff) pH back to at least 6.0.