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bunnyrabbitz pickups

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by Bunnyrabbitz, Feb 5, 2011.

  1. #1 Bunnyrabbitz, Feb 5, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 5, 2011
    Some dank pickups. Enjoy







  2. What kind of papers did you use?

    Id hit that bud, looks dank
  3. Whoa, sweet thread! +rep!!!
  4. Sweet nugs, Bunny. :bongin:
  5. joints look weird but nice nugs :D
  6. E-Z Widers Wild Berry.
  7. New pics soon.
  8. were in newyork u from im from staten island an i dont get bud as good as that
  9. Westchester. Keep smokin'.
  10. nice pick ups man they look dank as fuck.
    And i dont know anyone who rolls doobies like that anymore, props :D

    NIce man Enjoy
  11. Why can't americans roll :/
  12. + rep

  13. Hey its just a average doobies. Not my best but they damn burn straight and hit hard. So its a good doob in my book!
  14. sorry i haven't been uploading lately. i will soon
  15. Hey uhh.. there's such sites that resize pics for you ya know..

    Dank nonetheless. :smoke:
  16. [​IMG]

    Some tasty New York Sour Diesel.
  17. YOU enjoy it brotha.

    Looks tasty
  18. [​IMG]

    An eighth of some good no-name.

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