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bunk pickup...

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by nycdeez420, Feb 2, 2011.

  1. okay so the other day im think i should grab a know a nice stash for a couple weeks. i have a connect in nh thats gets legit dank from green crack to silver haze all top quality. however yesterday he tells me he has jacks cleaner so i dont hesitate. i pay 200 for a half ounce....might i add this guys always legit with the bud but this time it was straight homegrowns smelt ripe like kb and with extra crispy. i was pissed. shit was junk and i told him i want good dank.:smoke:
    this sucks cause i can get bomb blue dream and northern lights..i just didnt wanna wait. i got burrrned. anyone have this happen recently?????
  2. A few times when I was a lot younger, I dont have to worry about that theses days though because if its crap my guy(s) wont take it.

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