Bummed out

Discussion in 'General' started by tubro, Aug 20, 2013.

  1. Hey blades. I'm just looking for a bit of moral support.
    Long story short, I lost my connection a month or so ago. Been dry for what seems like ages. Spent my birthday (Saturday) sober as the day I was born. All in all it hasn't been too bad but for some reason, I'm really feeling it today.
    I've tried about everything I can to find a sack but can't seem to put anything together.
    Aside from looking for street dealers, which is sketchy and dangerous as fuck, I'm about out of ideas.
    I may end up just saving up some cash for a weekend road trip to Colorado and pick up a bit of weight. Maybe enough to last me 4-5 months. Hopefuly something local will present itself eventually.
    There's my sob story... Just thought I'd share it. Thanks for listening.
  2. #2 Gonzopoly*, Aug 20, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 20, 2013
    Stuff ALWAYS comes up... I don't have a dealers number in my phone and yet I've managed to get weed three times from different people ever since I moved here.
    Edit: Walk around at night bro downtown or somewhere not too rural; where you're bound to find young people out on the town. Usually you'll always have a car filled with people smoking in front of a wingstop or mcdonalds.... Although I wouldn't confront a car in front of mcdonalds. Just be honest and straight up, say what you're looking for as non sketchily as possible and bring an i.d. on you to prove you're not a cop. I did that one time, and although I only got 1/4 a g (for free!) I walked away from the experience better.
  3. I would go be social. No fun can come from waiting for things to present them selfs. You don't have to be under the influence of anything to have fun.

    Happy b day

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