Bummed out...need advice please

Discussion in 'General' started by lightupbong, Feb 8, 2011.

  1. Well I once again slept through my alarm and missed a few classes. This has happened a few times this year, and I feel as if my grades may be in jeopardy...
    Luckily, It's early in the semester, and I haven't misses any assignments, just attendance/some notes..I plan to do whatever I can to make up for it during the rest of the semester, but I can help feeling constant anxiety/worrying about the past..

    Anybody ever been in a situation and pulled themselves out of an academic slump? any advice? I just need some support as I will now work my ass off in school
  2. Not much you can do other than trying to go to bed earlier. Do what you need to get up in the morning. I used to set three alarms five minutes apart from each other. One on my computer, one on my phone, and the actual alarm clock.

    Just make sure if you miss notes to get them from someone else and study your ass off.
  3. I've been there and it sucks. You have to prioritize, man. Make your grades number 1 and schedule your life accordingly. Like, even if I want to spend all weekend playing video games and smoking, I've prioritized my schoolwork so that I come home and do it first. That way I have all weekend to relax.

    Also, I would suggest setting a bunch of different alarms, like one on your clock, one on your phone, one on the tv, so you make sure you wake up. It might work.
  4. Go to class and do the work. That's pretty much all there is to it.
  5. my advice would be to stop worrying about the past it. what is done is done . it is what it is. what are you going to do moving forward in life with your academics is the thing to focus on at this point. worrying about the past , or thoughts about what "could" have been are pointless . i say this b/c they never "could" of been, it never was so it never could of been . old thoughts is like gravity holding you on earth preventing you from flying. forget the past and start flying , the only thing that matters always is NOW . time has no start or end, there is only now .:smoke:.
  6. lightup, a couple of missed classes is not the end of the world. Get up for your next class. Also remember in the radar of life college, like everything else, is but a little blip.

  7. I can't tell you how many time's this has saved me.

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