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Bullshit Propaganda

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Justin127, Nov 23, 2011.

  1. #1 Justin127, Nov 23, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 23, 2011
    Taken from I recommend you read all the pages, but here are some of the most bullshit parts:

    "THC damages the immune system. Alcohol does not.

    There is no intention here to minimize the dangers of alcohol abuse, which can be

    equally harmful. Users, however, need to be aware that the chemicals in marijuana,

    some of them cancer-causing, remain in the body long after the drug is taken."

    These are some of the "harmful effects" of marijuana

    "Marijuana smoke contains 50% to 70% more cancer-causing substances than

    tobacco smoke. One major research study reported that a single cannabis joint

    could cause as much damage to the lungs as up to five regular cigarettes smoked

    one after another. Long-time joint smokers often suffer from bronchitis, an inflammation of the respiratory tract."


    "The drug can affect more than your physical health. Studies in Australia in 2008

    linked years of heavy marijuana use to brain abnormalities. This is backed up by

    earlier research on the long-term effects of marijuana, which indicate changes in the

    brain similar to those caused by long-term abuse of other major drugs. And a

    number of studies have shown a connection between continued marijuana use and psychosis."
    Just have to point out that the "earlier research" was done on monkeys who were forced to smoke pot i think for 4 hours a day...

    The whole article is a lie, but the underlined stuff is what makes me want to go all reefer madness on these fuckers.

    "The vast majority of cocaine users (99.9%) began by first using a “gateway drug” like marijuana, cigarettes or alcohol."
    Just like saying:
    Well, the vast majority of cereal eaters (99.9%) began by first drinking a gateway drink like milk, or chocolate milk
  2. I think they should smoke the stuff and get back to us.
  3. I fucking hate bullshit websites like this, pumping people full of false information. Fuck these people.
  4. [quote name='"Zizzy"']I fucking hate bullshit websites like this, pumping people full of false information. Fuck these people.[/quote]

    What's even more upsetting is how easy it is for people to be brainwashed
  5. eh, it's the way the world is now. we just gotta stay high and live with it
  6. #9 Delluhsion, Nov 23, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 23, 2011
    This got me so fucking mad, watch from 1:15-Ending. Listen to what Chris Says(fat kid with blond hair)
    "minor form of acid" like what the fuck?

  7. It's a satire, Seth MacFarlene is very liberal. There are many examples in the show where he advocates weed, see the 4/20 episode where Brian gets weed legalized in Quahog. The evil monkey smokes weed all the time, so does Brian, and Lois and Peter used to be huge stoners, Quagmire too. There's a reason FOX cancelled them at first. Although it does cause short-term memory...what? :smoke:
  8. [quote name='"Delluhsion"']This got me so fucking mad, watch from 1:15-Ending. Listen to what Chris Says(fat kid with blond hair)
    "minor form of acid" like what the fuck?
    Video Link:[/quote]

    Lol dude, anything like this on Family Guy is just satire
  9. whats a Satire mean? I was watching this episode last night and did some searching on youtube for the specific part, and why did chris mention such stupid lies?
    Yeah Family guy does a lot of episodes on drugs, u can google any substance with family guy infront of it and find a scene xD
  10. Satire means joke. And he mentioned them because they are stupid, he was using his tv time to point out the bullshit that is spewed by the mainstream media.
  11. Well chris says its a "fact", i understand its a joke but this can be misinterpreted
    as actuarial Facts of weed.
    @Above- You're considering this about how the media tells lies about weed, i dont see how that fits in there... there's no mention of the media at all in the episode and chris was saying all this bro.
  12. [quote name='"Delluhsion"']

    Well chris says its a "fact", i understand its a joke but this can be misinterpreted
    as actuarial Facts of weed.
    @Above- You're considering this about how the media tells lies about weed, i dont see how that fits in there... there's no mention of the media at all in the episode and chris was saying all this bro.[/quote]

    Look up the definition of satire and that might help. Not sure if you're new to the idea of Family Guy or Seth McFarlane for that matter but that's what he does. I'm not being an ass when I say you aren't in a big group of people who found a line from Family Guy about drugs to be "true" or "misleading"
  13. Seriously do you not watch Family Guy? Everybody and their mom knows what he was getting at.

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