Bullshit propaganda UK

Discussion in 'Marijuana News' started by hippie flip, Jan 28, 2011.

  1. Just found this article, published today.

    Brits believe cannabis is safe | Mail Online

    Apparently weed is being brought down to a class C drug from class B which is a good thing!

    But there's this fucking bullshit propaganda -

    Doctors estimate that it claims 30,000 lives every year. A leading expert recently said the drug was now the UK's biggest single cause of serious mental disorders.

    The British Lung Foundation says smoking three cannabis joints a day can cause the same amount of damage to the airways as a packet of cigarettes

    This is fucking bullshit. Britain is so backward with this stuff, it's honestly so ridiculous, on the same level as reefer madness.

    Basically there is going to be a £1 Million pound ad campaign that is obviously going to convince thousands of people that this bullshit is true.

    Oh, and obviously "We are no longer accepting comments on this article."

  2. I'm really not sure if this was published today...perhaps a long time ago...it said todays date next to it on google but i cant find anything ON the article...oh well...still bulshit
  3. Oh for fuck sake how much longer is this crap going to carry on, yes its good that its going back down to C but with this stupid Dis-Info, brainwashing people its just going to go back up.

    Unless enough people will wake up?
  4. it's never claimed a life , if they realy cared for the good of socioty they would illigalise , coka cola , fat food , ciggeretes , alcholl, legal highs like m cat / metherdrone , and so many more other hings obliosly it's about brainwashing the public so the goverment dont miss out on and money,:mad::mad::mad::mad:
  5. happy to hear it going back to class C but i have a theory on why people in the uk think its dangerous for your lungs/worse than a cigarette ect. it's commonly smoked with tobacco in a spliff (i'm from the uk but i don't put that shit in my joints :D) but because your mixing it with tobacco and your not using a huge cigarette filter like you would do in a cigarette because your inhaling unfiltered tobacco maybe thats why they think its so bad and people in the uk say its addictive when really its the nicotine from the tobacco thats got them hooked not the weed?

  6. yeah man pretty much. so many people here do that here, mix with tobacoo i mean. really stupid imo.

  7. why mix dangerous drugs with your weed? :D
  8. ^^This needs to be a quote somewhere! Can I quote you in my blog later? :smoke:
  9. yeah sure man :D
  10. sorry for double post but howcome it's only on the dailymail i can't find it anywhere else
  11. One of my brothers has smoked for over 15 years and the other for about 8, one is a fitness expert and one is an ex bodybuilder. It seems they have no ill effects from cannabis...because there's barely any...fucking bullshit.
    I've smoked since I was 13, and I'm perfectly healthy.
    My Mum smokes it to aid her schizophrenia, which a legal, prescription drug (valium) activated ...not herb!
    Fucking Bullshit
  12. shit man sorry to hear about that :/ we need medical cannabis here in the uk ASAP, then gradually work our way round to legalisation
  13. Well at least its becoming a Class C
  14. true say but i can't find anything else on it becoming class c

  15. me neither man i cant find anything...i'm pretty sure the article is old but for some reason it had a 2011 date next to it on google....

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