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Bullshit Guide To Make LSD (Acid)

Discussion in 'General' started by RichRich, Sep 19, 2007.

  1. please tell me this is bullshit. I don't ever want to make it myself, I just hate to think that this shit is on google for morons to try with their ghetto chemist set. Imagine if they did just one aspect of this incorrectly, or used too much of any one ingredient. It would seriously be poison and although I have always had "good" acid, I don't ever want to encounter stories with people talking about a "bad batch."


    Believe me this shit works. It sounds kinda wack and whatnot but i swear to
    GOD that this works. When I did it i only used 1/4 of the amount of water
    they say to use. This will make your hits hella STRONG. Instead of 3 or 4
    drops per hit use about 1 or 2 depending on who is getting it. The
    Expierenced should be able to handle the two drops.


    1. Buy 12 cans of Foster's Beer. In a pan, heat the beer to a slow boil, in
    order to remove the water and isolate the ergot-containing compounds.
    Boiling off the water should take approximately 36 hours -- don't rush
    the process, or you risk damaging the ergot-containing compounds. As
    the beer evaporates, simply add more beer. In this way, eventually, you'll
    have the essential compounds from all 12 beers in the bottom of the pan.

    2. It's now necessary to pH neutralize the slightly acidic ergotamine
    solution, using a weak base. No-fat household milk is ideal for the job.
    Mix in 1/4 cup of no-fat milk (be *sure* not to use milk with any milkfat)
    and wait 30 minutes for the solution to reach equilibrium. At this point,
    you have a weak solution of ergotamine with which you can continue the
    process. It should be a creamy brown color and a bit gooey. Be careful,
    because ergotamine is DEADLY POISON

    3. Next, it's necessary to combine lysine with the ergotamine solution.
    Lysine is available in most health food stores. You'll need about 2
    grams of lysine (that's 20 100mg pills). Cool the ergotamine solution
    to near freezing in your freezer (to avoid desosphyxiation with CO2
    in the air). Now, simply grind the pills into a powder and mix into
    your ergotamine solution. You now have lysergic acid.
    4. You *want* LSD, lysergic acid diethylamide, however, and so you need
    to ethylate your compound and then ammonate it. Sound hard?
    IT ISN'T!

    Simply add ethyl alcohol to the lysergic acid mixture. Pure grain
    alcohol is ideal, but Bacardi 151 or some other high-proof alcohol will
    work fine. Add 1 cup of pure alcohol, 1 1/3 cup of 151 proof, or
    2 cups of 100 proof. Now, to remove the hydroxyls, add 6 cups of 4%
    hydrogen peroxide (available at your local pharmacy) or 24 cups of
    1% (stronger is better)
    Be careful, because now your compound is HIGHLY VOLATILE

    [Keep it away from open flames]
    5. Now, for the final step in preparation, add 4 ounces of pure ammonia to
    the solution and let sit at room temperature for 3 days. This waiting
    period allows for the slow reaction to take place -- at higher
    temperatures this reaction occurs much more quickly, but you risk
    decomposition of the LSD. At the end of the three days, you've done it!

    The expected yield of LSD is 100 grams, over 1,000,000 doses! Be VERY,
    VERY careful at this point, because the solution you're dealing with is
    *extremely* *concentrated*. If any gets on your hands, you could be
    tripping for years! Now, put about 20 gallons of water in a barrel,and
    stir in the LSD using a large oar. At this level of dilution, a 1/4
    cup contains about 100 hits. You can dispense the hits using an eye
    dropper (3 or 4 drops per hit).

    Happy Tripping for Everyone!!
  2. the fact that he says you'll be tripping for years is enough for me not to trust it

    not to mention...boiling for 36hours seems ridiculous, though i know nothing about making lsd
  3. It says before the solution is diluted and at its most concentrated, if you would not be careful and happened to spill it on your hands and touched your eyes or mouth or something you might be in for a wild ride. But yeah, what the fuck I hope no one trusts this.
  4. I smell some hot bs. That article makes it seem so easy to make LSD. Last time I checked its a very complicated process involving lab like conditions.
  5. "Hey guys! I made some acid!"

    "Really man? What's it made out of?"

    "I cooked off some beer for 36 hours then added milk and ammonia and alcohol and some vitamins."


    "yeah man we're gonna trip face!"


    Pure liquid LSD is tasteless. I have a feeling even diluting that with water would still taste like ass.

    I mean, you're letting milk sit...FOR THREE DAYS.
  6. Ugh, I hope this gets locked before someone tries it...

    Foster's beer was rumored to have Ergot in it, which is where that comes from.

    You need Ergot, and a bachelor's knowledge in Organic chemistry. A bunch of pans, beer, and stupidity won't make LSD.
  7. Am I the only one who sees a problem with boiling alcohol?
  8. LOL.

    first of all milk isn't basic, it's acidic.

    aaaaaanyway, if foster's had ergot in it when people drank it they would go crazy and die. that's what happened to people that ate ergot infected grain. Read: Saint Anthony's Fire.
  9. Milk isn't acidic homie, haha.

    Stoner mistake, It's aiight. Milk is a base. Like when you get heartburn, and a upset stomach, they have you drink milk and eat bread.


    Milk= Base, to counteract the acids.
  10. Ergot = poisen. Fosters wouldn't put it in their beer.
  11. Alot of the processes they describe are actual proper processes - you do need ammonia(or anything that will add nitrogen to a compund) to make anything and amide (amide meaning the molecule has a nitrogen somewhere in it), but that recipe is just so wrong.

    So, please, to anyone thinking about doing it: DON'T DO IT
  12. As soon as I seen "DEADLY POISON" and "AMMONIA" that turned me away
  13. part of me wants to try, but the rest of me says "you idiot you're going to die."

    i'm going to listen to the louder, "you're going to die" voice i think :bongin:

    edit: i googled, and EROWID SAVES THE DAY! by telling us that this is, in fact, a myth:
  14. Woah there, what the fuck are you talking about?>
  15. Milk is definitely basic, that's why it gets rid of heart burn.
  16. jesus fucking chirst thats retarded

    LSD requires understanding of spore growth isolation of said deadly spores and pure lab grade extraction methods in a controlled enviorment

    very few people willing to churn out tons of the illicit substance have the skill thus there are maybe 3-5 sources across the country that actually produce it and one of the major ones got busted over 5 years ago with a silo fulla gear to make it along with drums of saffrole oil waiting to be reduced to mdma

    point being even if fosters contained rye egrot spores able to be 'started' boiling them to death ISN'T gonna create what you need
  17. i can garuntee you that that is completly need to be an experienced chemist to synthesize lsd
  18. Its some bullshit but I know that a few retards have tried it
  19. To make LSD-25, I'm pretty sure you would need a complete chemist's laboratory.

    If I remember right, you need everything from a proper sterile environment, a dark room, and even a mass spectrometer which you can't exactly get at your local store lol
  20. When you make LSD you have to synthesize certain chemicals with different rays of light.
    pretty hard

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