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Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by FunkDoobiest, Jan 14, 2010.

  1. picked up a half O of this amazing bullrider. it smells so good, i wanna eat it. smokes so smooth. toke on :smoking:

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  2. Looks yummy!! Good Smokin'
  3. a man dont u think the high on this is a legend in itself. im sure its the same thaang im livin with i poped the seeds and i have just been waitin for it to surfice again...
    its a recombined gene pool. As rememberd by my friends and i from the mid friends smoke and i do the work for no one else wants too.evryone is for the dollar for the love of it...
    you know i brought that shit back and all the people who were lucky enough to get cuts blew it out of the water, so i gave none to the greedy. Its not a small yeilder for colombians are BIG then the other half is my work.
    tell me man doese it make your heart race...????how much do you weigh and how much do u smoke eat vape???

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