Bug Problems

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by budman22, Aug 1, 2012.

  1. Hey guys new around here and this is my 2nd year growing. Bug problems this year are through the roof. I have white flys some aphids and grasshoppers and what not eating my plants.
    I just picked up some neem oil heard that if you spray it on the plants it will stop most of the bugs but I have also heard it can clog the somata of the plant (or breathing holes) and slow down the growth of the plant. Anyone heard of this before?
    Im sure alot of you other outdoor growers have some other solutions for your plants. If anyone would like to leave some advice here that would be great thanks. :wave:
  2. i hear u on the bugs dont do what i just did, i sprayed my plants with pyrethrin at night and burnt the hell out of them,,
  3. I use prethrin and have yet to see any burning. I spray about an hour or less before the sun goes down but if its still hot out I try to wait untill night time and have my brother or nephew hold a flashlight. What brand are you using for pyrethrin? Mine is Bonide concentrate and I mix 3-4tbsp per gallon of water.
  4. Neem can burn the plants if its hot, plus in my veiw it makes the weed taste shitty. But worse than that it doesnt work for grasshoppers or anything else.

    Rotenone/pyrethrins concentrate by Bonide. Its a contact killer and has knockdown capacity and kills about everything that will land on the plant. Both ingredients are plant extracts.

    While it is very toxic initially, the compound is very unstable and deteriorates quickly when exposed to light and air. Testing 7 days after application can detect no residue of the chemicals. Ive used it for 20 yrs. It gets the job don.
  5. Below is the Bonide Pyrethrin I use. It has nothing else in it.

    Amazon.com: Pyrethrin Garden Insect Spray, Concentrate Pint: Patio, Lawn & Garden

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