Im finding these bugs all over all my sticky traps. Im noticing leaf damage that looks exactly thrip damage.
Lady bugs!! Work great. Use those and do neem teas. Neem oil did zero for me against thrips . I battled them for months . Used every organic safe product. What finally worked was lady bugs and neem teas as soil drench and foliar . They have 3 stages of life. So it's multiple treatments Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
I was just looking into lady bugs... Good to know. I jist did a round of nematodes and they smashed my gnat problem. Need to do another application. Was hoping yo kill 2 birds with one stone.
I've never had ladybugs do a damn thing in my garden other than look pretty. It's a shame they enjoy light suicide as well, which is slightly better than cleaning them out of sealed hoods.
Spray them with sugar water . Stops them from flying around. It makes the wings stick. Also spray sugar water on the areas you want the lady bugs to stay in . The sugar will attract them to those areas . If you don't spray them with sugar water they will move on quickly . I actually just put 2 caps full of cola in the spray bottle and filled with water. That worked great . Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
3rd world countries have been known to use pepsi and cola as a pesticide because its toxic chemicals that replace real sugar.