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Buffalo-716 Pick up thread

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by thelazykusher, Feb 8, 2011.

  1. All you people from Buffalo post pics of your pick ups. If I get enough people to post their pick ups on here, I will give away a free piece of glass!

    I will post some of my pick ups once I get my camera back this weekend.

    Lets rep 716 and our love of the medical herb!
  2. If only I had a camera lol.
  3. Lol must be a catch to it. :smoke:
  4. No catches haha. Im just trying to see some dank from the 716 area. :D It wouldnt be anything serious piece of glass, just a chillum of somethin haha
  5. alright then i wont give a free piece of glass... haha im just trying to see some 716 dank!

    and yeah I am new to GC actually, im sure you had your first thread too once
  6. what up what up :smoke:

    We get some bomb shit, I gotta pay a lawyer though so no bud for me. My bros got some nice AK47 and some hash and I'll be at his place this weekend, I'll post pics of that along with some other.

    Which town you in? You frequent the headshops?
  7. We do have some real nice dank surprisingly :smoke: haha. I will be posting some pics this weekend also once I get my camera back.

    Yes, headin to hertel and terrapin there all day. and im in the buffalo area right by UB.
  8. Alrightttt, i borrowed my friends camera because i wanted to upload a photo of some 716 dank!

    Here is some Blue Dream I picked up. Its some dank for sure.

    Attached Files:

  9. #9 Fuzee, Mar 14, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 14, 2012
    Sour Diesel: 170/Half (Super fluffy nugs, a .7 fills 2 decent sized blunts)

    Couchlock: 95/Q (All i remember was this shit was really dense, and perfectly trimmed & cured)

    Unknown: 60/Eigth (From a city dealer that gets some of the best bud around here)

    Unknown: 125/10g's (The stuff im smokin on rite now,very dense, and nicely cured)

    Reppin the 716!

  10. Im not gonna lie, that stuff looks bomb. Im surprised you got that strain around here cause it seems like nobody grows in this area, therefore its much more difficult to get exotic strains like: Blue Dream, White Rhino/Widow, Jack Herer, Ak47, etc.

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