So when I check on budd denseness I noticed its not as sticky as before it has this sticky gritty feel not in a bad way but Is this normal Sent from my SM-A025U1 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
That's a good question about a week in a half ago my buds were more sticky but I'm outside. I thought maybe the weather getting colder or the increased rain
When trimming you will be happy not to have sticky Buds. I fucking like GG#4, but when it's time to harvest, I hate that Bitch. She is so's really hard to Trimm .The shit sticks all over the place and you have to change gloves every other minute. A Trick I found is working very good for me. Nitrille Gloves and Water .....dip your Hands in Water and shake the exessive Water of. You just want a waster film on the Gloves. The same with the scissors . .....You will find that Trick/ Hint on every regular Gluebottle. For best stickiness dry surface propperly . That's means in return, if you got a Wet Film on the surface, i won't stick that good. Got ot?
But this will have nothing to do with the quality will lt Sent from my SM-A025U1 using Grasscity Forum mobile app