Buds Drying Buds Drying

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by t4blazer, Oct 9, 2005.

  1. i got my buds hanging and listening to all of your help from you guys... ive done everything i was supposed to but the buds have only been hanging for 3 nights and its sunday afternoon now and they feel dry already and the stems are about to snap it seems like... so i was just wondering i thought it took 1-2 weeks to dry then snap the stems and put them in the jars for curing... but i was JUST WONDERING IF THEY ARE DRYING TOO FAST AND WHAT I SHOULD DO, THANKS FOR ALL THE HELP.....LET ME KNOW WHAT I SHOULD DO
  2. if they dried out fast they dried out fast, thats all it is... if the stem snaps, theyre dry, right? your buds are dry... cure away...
  3. thanks guys i listened and they are in the jars in the curing process.... very good fire tho already thanks for all the help everyone

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