Budrot? Caterpillars? What should I do?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by Yasharov, Jul 15, 2023.

  1. Hi everyone.

    I had spidermites 2 weeks ago and I sprayed a pesticide containing abamectin on my plants. One of the plants started turning brown and became really dry.

    Comparing it with other posts on the internet I would think it's caterpillars but I want to know your opinions...

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  2. Caterpillars are usually later in the season mid Aug all the way through harvest. I'd suspect to strong a mix of pesticide.
    Caterpillar damage shows as a sun-dried bud that pulls free when tugged as the caterpillar has cut it free of the plant.
    BT Thuricide Once a week every week every week from Aug 1st until harvest.
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  3. Should I let the plant be or rip it out? Today it looked like it's recovering slowly.
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  4. It should recover. I accidentally used a sprayer with herbicide residue and even burned badly the plants recovered well enough that I got a fair harvest considering the early damage they took.
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  5. looks like he is indoors in a tent and most likely the burnt parts will not recover it is time for damage control and cut out the bad stuff
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  6. First if it were only situation . Serious issue is the spray .. A real situation here.
    Now i hate to say this. I would throw them away. Reason they look like they should be 14 or more days of 12/12. The bud sites are gone they wont make any yield.
    (SERIOUS ISSUE ) !!!!!! WHY ON GODS EARTH DID YOU SPRAY THIS /???????!!!!! . pesticide containing abamectin . Auto throw away deep clean the walls floors everything .Let it dry and clean two more times just to clear up the dangerous chemicals.
    And to have mites and worms in a indoor grow holy shit !!! Is the area clean ? , Again im not bashing or trying to be a dick . Honest only .
    My advice throw it all away. Then ocd clean all the lights walls floors fans . Clean it again and 5 more times . Get those bugs gone .It will take 10 or so cleanings to kill these bugs. Then plant your new seeds. Before you visit your tent. Get into the shower . Flip flops and boxer shorts only in your tent . This will not allow bugs again .Or clean clothing never worn straight out of the dryer that were hung up .

    https://www.merck.com/docs/product/safety-data-sheets/ah-sds/Abamectin Liquid Formulation_AH_IN_6N.pdf
  7. when I have an infestation in my tent , I remove the plants and anything that cant handle bug spray . I close up the tent, set off a bug bomb in the tent. let it sit undisturbed for the rest of the day and then wipe it all down. Bammmm done. no fuss. easy.
    Im with Bryan Oconner on this one. disinfect the tent and throw away your plants. Aint worth it. I have thrown away a few grows in my days. It hurts. I know.
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