budding help?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by breezierolive, Sep 14, 2007.

  1. my plants are budding good and they dank but i was wondering if i should be giving them like a bud up, im giving them 15-30-15 right now , should i give them something else ......and also ive been lookin at pics and my buds dont have alot of crystals on them compared to some of the ones on this forum why is that .... the type of plant it is?
  2. <TABLE class=tborder style="BORDER-TOP-WIDTH: 0px" cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=6 width="100%" align=center border=0><TBODY><TR title="Post 1851073" vAlign=top><TD class=alt1 align=middle width=125>breezierolive</TD><TD class=alt2>budding help?
    <HR>my plants are budding good and they dank but i was wondering if i should be giving them like a bud up, im giving them 15-30-15 right now , should i give them something else ......and also ive been lookin at pics and my buds dont have alot of crystals on them compared to some of the ones on this forum why is that .... the type of plant it is? </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

    It could be the strain your growing, yes. Or its the stage at which your plant is, most plants take on the more froster look at the last couple weeks......so no worries yet.....lets hope not for your sakes.

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