Hey All, Noticed some brown dots on a few of my Outdoor Blueberry OG buds yesterday after work. My heart sank... CATERPILLAR POO. Opened one up to see a little green SoB eating my lady. This will not stand so I removed it and smashed it with a rock so it wont reproduce. Found about 10 total which suffered the same fate. 1 was very small still brown and translucent, but the rest were bigger and green. I'd say the biggest was probably about a half inch in length at most. Anyways, I bought a bottle of Captain Jacks BT spray. Clerk at the nursery said it should be fine on the buds, but I might have to "wash the buds" when harvesting.. No idea what that means, so I want to double check with the brains over here. Hit me with the info folks! Cheers!
You don't need to wash it off ur buds. BT doesn't stay on the plant long and I don't believe it's dangerous but I don't fully know, I just know it's natural. Just don't spray it about a week before harvest and you'll be good. BT deteriorates in the sun very rapidly, within hours so they say. I feel it lasts a little longer than that but yeah. Sent from my LM-X420 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
Bud Washing is simply dipping the whole plant in a water solution to take off any impurities such as insect dropppings. Insect pieces, etc. and because THC is not water soluble and you can dip the whole plant in water before you dry it and hang it. There’s some good tutorials on YouTube. Peace!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Follow Up: I ended up hitting them with the BT 2 nights in a row. Did night 1 desperately in the dark so wanted to make sure I made a good application the second day. Only found 1 this morning. Up to about 20 total in 3 days. Damage could have been worse. I am thankful, but something tells me I'm not out of the woods yet... No literally I live in the woods there are fucking moths everywhere...