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Bud to moist

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by frallen1848, Jan 31, 2011.

  1. I recently bought an O of some pretty decent bud and it seems too moist. It doesn't break up very well in my grinder and it's almost spongy. It does the job alright its just a little weird and troubling to me and has me thinking i got kind of gipped. I have heard of people leaving there pot out for like a day or two to dry it out, but this isn't something i want to do if it will hurt the bud or if it's not even necessary to begin with. I'm currently keeping it in an airtight jar. Do i just have some weird weed or was it not cured right or long enough?
  2. sounds like it's not fully dry or they added water to the bud to weigh it down. Let it sit in a dark dry area for a while until it's dry enough for your liking, it won't hurt.
  3. thanks man, i appreciate the input.
  4. ya put the bud in a dark cool place . light and heat kill off the thc . also instead of lying it flat on a desk or a peice of cardboard. see if u can find a screen or something and lay the buds on top of it. so that they all dry evenly all over. happy tokin' :smoke:.
  5. just smoke it. wet bud is great. as long as the stems snap from the buds ur straight. its probably just crazy sticky.
  6. lol wtf?
    That shit is WAY harsher on your throat and lungs, the dryer the better.

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