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Bud smoke too hot?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by TightStick, Oct 26, 2014.

  1. I'm not sure if this has been asked before but I didn't see it nor have I found any answers. I'll say first I only smoke chronic so quality is not an issue but for some reason normally I can take as big a rip as I want off a bowl, or joint, or whatever but that brings me to my issue. I have found sometimes I get bud that burns with an exceptionally hot smoke and I'm not sure why. I know it is the bud and not me because then I'll pick up something else and I have no issues, and it even burns my lips so its not just my lungs. This is really a problem because all the bud I've gotten and seen lately has this problem. I live in an area that gets cold this time of year so the growing has been moved indoors which gives me a theory that this is the reason why but if anyone could help it would be appreciated.

  2. dryer bud can make for harsher smoke. but think about it for a second, youre lighting plant matter on fire and then inhaling it seconds later .. its going to be hot. use ice, water, and you'll be fine. 
  3. #3 TightStick, Oct 26, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 26, 2014
    I'll reiterate because no one ever gets it. "Quality is not an issue." I'm well aware flaming plant matter will be hot but that doesn't change that with the right bud I can take as big a rip as I want, sure I'll cough up a lung sometimes but it wont be too hot to handle and it wont burn my lips. Most of whats been around has been fluffy too which I also think may have a correlation but all anyone ever says is they get what I'm saying and don't know, or they just repeat the same things about quality, and sometimes even flat out deny it. I'm just sick of the last few months spending a hundred bucks on a bag and only get high for a half hour and not getting any answers.
  4. Could just be the bud dude. You aren't gonna get a 100% certain answer cuz noone here has the exact same bud and noone can analyze it for you.
    Maybe its dry bud
    Maybe its lower quality than you think
    Maybe its the juxtaposition of the flaming bud and the cold air you're used to drying
    Maybe the airs just really dry
    There's 4 answers, take your pick
  5. "only get high for a half hour"
    Are you sure ? Sounds like crappy weed. Is it brown with lots of stems and lots and lots of seeds ?
  6. Few things to consider; are you using a new piece to smoke with? A new element in the pipe can conduct heat perhaps that you're unused to. Do you use metal screens as opposed to glass? If an older piece when was the last time you gave it a good clean? The tar buildup can really intensify the heat.

    The other thing I'm considering is you have developed scar tissue or have open sores in your throat/ esophagus and what you're experiencing is burning pain as opposed to higher heat? If taking a dew days off is as tortorous an option to you as it is for me, stick with water bongs and throw some ice in there, esp in the upper chamber if that's a choice.
    Try cleaning your pipe, and breaking your weed up more. Pipes generate a ton of heat if you are trying to take a hit when it's too clogged... My metal pipe does this especially.
  8. Weed that hasn't been properly cured, or that was grown using chemical nutes and not properly flushed can do that.  It may look, smell and initially taste very good, but because of several possible factors it has lost much of it's flavor profile and potentially its potency.
    Try a different dealer/dispensary/grower.
  9. Chill bruh, your chronic may be a little dry, not too mention joints and pipes have such a short distance to travel so they don't let the smoke cool. Try an icy bong or, if that isn't practical for you rn, buy a little sherlock bubbler or hammer and just put some cold water in it, they should be a little easier to tolerate. Or even a vape would be solid if you have the currency to spend $$
    Ps: noone said the bud was bad, sometimes dank bud can dry up a little depending on storage and how long it sat.

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    Yes I'm sure...this is under apprentice tokers but I'm no newbie and know the difference unless its some bizarre bud that looks great but works crap. Normal amount of stems and I only find a seed once every few months.
    The new piece theory is possible because my glass is a little old and may need a cleaning. I'll probably just get another one. And its nothing like open sores because I have smoked other bud from all around my area and sometimes this doesn't happen with certain purchases.
    I was considering this but I'm gonna get a new one anyways.
    I find it hard to think that could be the case as it seems unlikely all the different dealers are making the exact same mistakes.
    Even if its not bad its not too dry either, as I mentioned I can tell. These other options do admittedly help and I use them, aside from the vape, but I was trying to figure out why all the green has gone downhill so I can smoke and not be forced to use a water pipe.

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