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Bud rot

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by Justin_blaze, Oct 13, 2007.

  1. Hey guys, my ladies are just finishing up. Probably like 10 more days till harvest but the weather has been and still is unbelievably shitty. I heard that you can mix some peroxide into water and spray your plants and that it helps against bud rot. How much peroxide am i supposed to mix into how much water for this to be effective? How often are you supposed to spray the plants?

    anyways any help would be wicked and ill post pictures before and after harvest
  2. to be honest you cant really stop botritous or bud rot but you can help prevent it with good air circulation and shaking off any excess water after rain or heavy dew
  3. If bud rot has started its best to harvest now...spraying is good for powdery mildew..Not so great when bud rot has started..Add that with wet damp weather and in a week bud rot can destroy your plant..
  4. I second him, if you have detected grey mold, ie botrytis, budrot, whatever... and you haven't harvested, then your watching as your buds all rot, and in ten days they'll probly mush to the touch.. Harvest bro... The spray doesn't hit the inside of the nug where the mold starts, best to harvest.... I did the day I detected it and have about 20% affected, you have to dig the nugs apart to find it. By the way, when it's cloudy, rainy, and high humidity, mold FLOURISHES...

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