Bud pics and brown spot question

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by ZgreatJ, Sep 29, 2010.

  1. Thought I would share some new pics of my two plants. They are coming along nicely. The one on the left seems to have hit a wall and the buds are staying about the same size. I have just noticed though, it is starting to get brown dead spots where the sugar leaves die off and the bud turns brown also in that spot. The other plants' buds just seem to keep getting bigger, even though it started flowering later. The weather has been extremely dry the last few weeks, except for the last two days. So I don't think it is mold, maybe rot? First three pics are of the plant with the brown spots. Next pics are of the big bud plant. Thanks for any input.:wave:

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  2. nice grow the first pic with the dead leaf looks ready for harvest whats the trichs say?
  3. I was tempted to think she is ready too, but the trichs are cloudy with only a few amber sprinkled in.
  4. the left one looks ready but id wait another week,just watch to see if the brown spreads, if so cut out all the infected area and just pull it
  5. dude, that brown stuff looks like bud rot-- cut all the infected area out. it spreads incredibly fast!
  6. Don't listen to these guys it's not bud rot lol. Its without a doubt a caterpillar, bend the bud up where its brown and pull some of the dead part out and I guarantee you will find a little caterpillar eatin' its way through your bud along with a bunch of its poop.
  7. This guy is correct.
  8. if it was mold you would know, it would be all over.
    it wouldn't be on just one leaf.
  9. You've got budworms. Pull open all of your busites and check for black specs (feces) and dead foilage and remove all of it. It WILL cause mold to grow inside of your buds. There is nothing worse than harvesting all of your beautiful buds to find out they have been ruined from the inside out. you better handle that with the quickness. good luck
  10. how long have they been flowering for?
  11. Mine looked the same, and I had a case of bud rot, just saying. Regardless remove it and you should be fine.
  12. I just lost 3 oz's to bud rot.

    This looks exactly the same as what mine did. That stuff needs to be cut out asap before it spread and gets worse.
  13. Thanks for the replies everyone. Should I cut the affected buds? Or just the spots? If a worm is in the bud, I would imagine cutting the spot might not get him, or would it? Thanks again. There is only like 3 or 4 buds with this problem.
  14. Bud rot is like a cancer, it all has to be removed to it will just come back. Your better off removing a larger portion of the bud to be safe. I had to throw out a grocery bag full, including a few main colas
  15. I had bud rot before. It started on the inside, so the outside of the buds looked great-no sign of rot. but when i went to dry them and open them up the inside core was mold. lost over half the crop.
    I have recently harvested some with caterpillars as well. I found some leaves that look brown and shriveled up like yours too. It looks a little white on your leaf so i would GUESS mold.
    like someone said pull some of the flowers apart and check inside for little specks and little white things i call nests. not sure what they really are but they are white little spider web looking things

  16. It's so heartbreaking having to throw out the BEST parts, isn't it :(

    But yes you will want to cut those areas off, no point in risking your lungs and illness that can arise if you do not.
  17. once ur certain its caterpillars i would just remove the spot and a little around it to get rid of its poop and stuff . then u can use this stuff called im spelling it wrong but bachyllius thaccuritis. to get rid of the actual insects
  18. You guys are good. I just cut off a chola and did find a caterpillar. Little SOBs:mad: I now have to go through and get the rest where I see the dead spots. Thanks again. Will the remaining buds be OK if I trim out the bad spots and worm and let them on the plant?
  19. what kind of seeds are you using? those are some large ass plants!
  20. Not sure what strain. The seedlings were given to me by a bro and was told they were bag seed. I was wondering why the top chola never really got bigger than the rest like they are supposed to. The caterpillars had a hole dug for a few inches straight up through the middle of the main stalk right below the top chola. Stupid bugs! Lesson learned for next year. So I now have a bunch of partial buds hanging and drying before their time. I cut the tops off the affected buds as the worms were near the tops for the most part.

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