it is. i go up with friends on the weekend and chill. do you know any other cities that are like that???
hmmmmmm, i think you may be bluffing rite now. b/c the sale of marijuana is still illegal there. like read this.. Breckenridge police chief thinks marijuana arrests may actually go up after vote to decriminalize pot - Denver News - The Latest Word I'm just saying if it's true talk it up i'd like to hear about the marijuana coffee shop in America. but I doubt it exists unless it is for medical users. Which may be what you are talking about.
Umm, no. The law (which went into effect on January 1st) specifically states that in private homes cannabis and the tools to smoke it are legal, but in public it is still a no go. Colorado resort legalises cannabis, but not on the ski slopes | Society | The Observer Btw, Denver has also legalized it so Breckenridge is the second city in Colorado.
ima be in denver this weekend(IN 2 DAYS), any tips on where i can score an 8th? i was thinking about just walking up to pple that look like they blaze, and asking if they could help me score an 8th.. since CO is known for such good pot.. civic center park? HELP PLZ.. PM ME or something!!
Zero tolerance? That worries me. They can give you a DUI if you drive with any marijuana in your system.
go to ccpark. you will find bud. or go to the capital building and there is always people there trying to make pot legal. idk though dude i live in colorado springs bro
haha not a pro coffee shop but someone who grows and sells. and lets people sit in his (cafe and toke) pigs dont bust people for shit bro. ive walked down the street with a peice in my hand and nothings happend.
thanks for the tip. i would blow my mind if i got busted in colorado my first time there and only being there 2-3 days and all.. how far is breckenridge from denver?
if the weathers good it will take you an hour and a half on I-70. but like 15 min longer if your all the way at DIA.
careful at civic center park. people complained about drug sales there and they went through and arrested a bunch of people there. on the news they showed some guy complaining that he couldn't find weed around there any more. it was pretty funny shit i'd just go and walk around 16th st mall. you'll see some people if you're willing to ask. i dunno thats pretty shady tho
There is one in Oregon. It's ONLY for NORML members and card-carrying MMJ patients, but it exists. By "NORML members and card-carrying MMJ patients," I meant that they have to have both cards, lol. Not that the cafe serves either/or.