Hi everyone, the bud tender at my local health center said that some "bud boosters" are carcinogenic. Is there any truth to this?
Marijuana is so why worry? Did he speficially say which one. That being said, think of the liability of any fertilizer company using something with such a ppm that would be a carcinogen of any consequence.
They are called PGR's and have been banned in every other form of agriculture for human consumption. http://www.marijuanagrowershq.com/plant-growth-regulators-poison-marijuana/ Cannabis is not a carcinogen, only the smoke is. There is some evidence it can actually cure cancer.
There is no evidence it cures cancer. There is anectdotal evidence that it slows cancer growth, but cures it? This where people like to believe lies of convienence. That being said if you have a legitimate medical study by a credible medical institution I would love to see it. Please post it up, there are a lot of suffering people that need this cure. Please don't show that one nut who knows it will take years to get proof and is selling it as a cure. By time they figure all this out he will likely be a hero or sued to hell and back. Uhmmmm, OK the smoke causes cancer, let me rephrase that exposes you to cancer causing agents. LOL what is the medium carrying that smoke? Also the chemical properties of cannabis share anywhere from 40- 60 of the same carcinogens as tobacco, the plant, plus it has its own. The tobacco industries added about a dozen more so those ciggies stay lit and burn like a time fuse. But see the chemicals in the smoke to which I agree and probably 95% (yeah i pulled that out of my ass) use it, do you? If your attention span is impaired go to page 90 for the conclusion. It is amazing that Cheech Marin is not in the enourmous Reference listing http://www.oehha.ca.gov/prop65/hazard_ident/pdf_zip/FinalMJsmokeHID.pdf Nature on its own is kind of scary if you think about it, it only shows man was not meant to live forever: http://news.heartland.org/newspaper-article/2002/11/01/naturally-occurring-mutagens-and-carcinogens-found-foods-and-beverages Now look at that list and see what the American Cancer Society (ACS) provides. That being said people love their weed even though it has the potential to kill them. So what? It is their choice. You will also see that particulate matter contains these carcinogens. No problem, shit happens. My support comes from the claims of people saying they feel better for numerous ailmeant, that outweighs its dangers to many, I fully support someone feleing better. But don't do it blidly, educate yourself before "medicating". So this all justifies a good flushing but many of natures chemical structures also introduce carcinogens into the soil. http://www.cancer.org/cancer/cancercauses/othercarcinogens/generalinformationaboutcarcinogens/known-and-probable-human-carcinogens I bet it would surprise you how much of these cancer linked agents occur natually. The very air in your area that is processed organically may be more dangerous than someone who ionizes their air. The water you use also is contaminated, especially rain water unless you go through distillation. The ACS states the presence doe snot mean you will get cancer. This is wher it all gets tricky. Normally weak genes or another environmetal trigger that works with those cancer suspected chemicals is where you can possibly get cancer.
There already is a cure for cancer, but there's more money in treatment so why give out a cure right?
Which explains why the medical industry probably wants you to smoke marijuana without their endorsement. they can sit idly by while you get cancer from marijuana and say they warned you but did not object. Awesome conspiracy if i ever heard one.