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Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by illogical, Aug 8, 2011.

  1. Currently I have a Sherlock pipe and a tsunami pipe. I want a piece that has smooth hits that I can pull hard and isn't some big ass bong. Something I can use easily and works great. Is a bubbler the answer? If so do u have a specific one u recommend?
  2. Bubblers are cool, but they can be expensive. Just check out what your LHS has in stock.
  3. I would say so. A bubbler is essentially a cross between a bong and a pipe. I like the two chamber ones but those are bigger - it really depends on if you need something concealable. Oh and some people dont like bubblers because you need water with you every time... but i always found that if im toking im going to have water anyways for cottonmouth!
  4. Dude my friend has a little 4" bubbler and it rips better than most bongs that I've used.

    I get sooooo high when I use it and I don't know if it's just his specific piece or all bubblers but from my experience I'd highly recommend getting a bubbler.
  5. #5 illogical, Aug 8, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    Lol I paid sixty for my Sherlock pipe at a local shop. I pm think of getting some retail piece ( not local glass) since it might be better and cheaper. Anyone got one they can recommend? I do need kinda concealable. Like fit in a drawer. Other than that I'm good.
  6. Back in the day my friends and I would put my bubbler in the freezer on hot days, just let it sit there for about 5 minutes, not enough to freeze it.

    Then it's like a frosty inhale every time. Refreshing.
  7. i hate the bubbler i have. weed got stuck in the tube part and it kept fallin and spillin lol i was pissed off. i probably won't use one unless i get one with a better design
  8. #8 illogical, Aug 8, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    These are the flaws I'm hoping to avoid. No one has suggested one yet XD
  9. a beer bottle bong is great. you can usually fit them with larger bowls or ash catchers, and they are still pretty small.
  10. #10 illogical, Aug 8, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    Got a tsunami bong. Want a bubbler. Something I can hold like a pipe but smooth like a bong. Is there such thing as an ice pipe?
  11. I picked my bubbler up in California on vacation. After I got it I really wasn't that impresed. But when I was on a trip I brought it and now I fucking love it I use it 90 percent of the time. Only down side is the stem is hard to scrape and they can be stinky. Just change the water alot and don't leave water in it between uses.
  12. O wipe Down my pieces after each use or ever couple uses. So that's no problem. What kind u get?
  13. Whats a tsunami bong? Is it a gravity bong?? Oh and dude totally get a bubbler. There the shit.
  14. My bubblesaur =[ RIP momma took him from me
    Brachioasaurus i still got him :D 1 chamber inline bubbler

    Both glass on glass[​IMG]
  15. Water Bubbler Inside Out

    I don't have the exact one, but I have the same design and size and everything. Very concealable (I actually keep it in a drawer). Actually got mine for 7$ way back when from my sister, hehe.
  16. Water Bubbler Inside Out

    I don't have the exact one, but I have the same design and size and everything. Very concealable (I actually keep it in a drawer). Actually got mine for 7$ way back when from my sister, hehe.
  17. I like that. Does the water really help. And is it kinda noisy XD I smoke in my backyard and don't need my neighbors to hear
  18. I just smoked a bowl from mine :)

    The water does help. Whenever I smoke from a pipe I notice the hits are hotter and harsher. The bubbler gives you decent cooling power while staying concealable.

    It's not very noisy at all. As long as you don't pull super hard you should be okay. Plus the water really does help reduce the smell of the smoke so if you're outside you shouldn't have to worry about smell at all.
  19. #19 4pawsbmj8, Aug 8, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    No they smell bad from the inside. And I didn't get a brand if that's what your asking. Just a bubbler. Only thing to look for in buy is if your eyebrows will get burned haa.
  20. I've got a bubbler and I'm real pleased with it, my hits are smooth and I can use real cold water or put crushed ice in the water to make my hits real cold.

    Cleaning it can be hard, I'd recommend boiling it for ~30 minutes, then using alcohol and pipe cleaners or q-tips to clean the downstem and such. Then soak it and wash it out in alcohol to help clean more and boil it again. (99% alcohol)

    I got mine from my local headshop, it resembles this one:
    Hammer Bubbler Inside Out

    Mine is a color changer though, yellow with blue fill in

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