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Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by 420budd, Jan 28, 2010.

  1. how do you smoke from a bubbler. pics would be awesome
  2. are you retarded you are not a stoner
  3. i know the jist. like i know you put water in the bottom part. weed in the bowl and light it. but more descriptive would be awesome. and this is on the apprentice tokers fourm for reason ive been smoking for like 2 months but only joints.
  4. I have a bubbler and I love it. But smoking out of them is pretty self explanitory you just fill the water through though bowl (were you put the weed) fill it till the stem (tube thing) is covered about 1/4 of the way up dry out the bowl put weed in it and light as your sucking in on the mouth piece with your finger on the carb(the hole on the side used to allow air to rush in and clear out the smoke). Then when the piece is filled with smoke remove your finger from the carb and inhale all the smoke
  5. oh cool. i knew how just wanted to make sure.
  6. What he said.
  7. be nice guys, this is apprentice tokers, and he is allowed to ask questions. you don't have to go and be dicks about it...

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