Bubbler vs Bong

Discussion in 'Bongs, Dab Rigs, Bubblers, Water Pipes' started by glassgeek, Oct 6, 2010.

  1. #1 glassgeek, Oct 6, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 6, 2010
    *****Title is supposed to be Bubbler vs Vaporizer******

    I have 150 to spend but can't decide which to spend it on.

    Either a really beautiful, sturdy, double diffused bubbler which I've had my eye on for a while, or a DaBuddhaVaporizer (DBV).

    I'm still in school, and to top that off I have really bad ADD (hence the weed smoking:hello:). I'd like to have something good for home and on the go/in between classes, and for that, the bubbler would be great, well, perfect really. But the no health impacts of vapes and the fact that they don't really have much of a smell makes the DBV just as tempting.

    Recently, I've been hearing people say that vape highs are a lot different than smoking highs. Could someone clarify this for me (keeping in mind that I smoke cannabis to counter the effects of my ADD in order to focus in class/life -- I want to be less "stoned off my ass" and more just "high")?

  2. Ive heard good things about the launch box, sounds like it would work for your situation. If not that id go with the vape and buy a cheap one hitter for in between classes.
    For me, the vaping taste alot different, but doesnt last as long. But it could also be i have a head high from the conbustion of smoking.
  3. vaping gives you a way cleaner high and also gets you way more ripped. its not that portable though.

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