BUBBLE HASH Why does it bubble?

Discussion in 'General' started by Grandma Gudenhi, Mar 25, 2010.

  1. So I made bubble hash. We pressed some and didn't press some. The pressed bubbles less.
    I am new to bubble hash. I could be doing a lot of things wrong with drying? curing? pressing?
    I'd rather it not bubble because it reminds me of smoking pipe resin (purely psychological)

    On another note. I bought my first crack pipe today. I was at the head shop looking at vaporizers. I was discussing their use for bubble hash with the sales lady. She, very discreetly, suggested I try a bubble pipe. I asked her what those were and she pointed at the crack pipes and told me people usually steer away from them because of their reputation. LMAO!
    It only seems appropriate. They are calling bubble hash, hippy crack.
  2. Can you explain how to make bubble hash or direct me? Also, how much did you use
  3. You need to use bubble bags. You can find them online. Also, youtube has plenty of bubble hash videos that you can check out.
    There are also many ways of making bubble hash or "ice hash" without using bubble bags.
    We probably used about a pound of very good trimmings.

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