thanks man im going to use a fogger on a timer and that can give me any temp i want i was thinking of 28C hope thats not too much i want em to blast roots in 3 days)))
Just to show temps can have alot to do with fast root growth,i was not getting much growth from one of my six chilled BBs @68F. and cut a long(like 14") long clone and added it to see if it would grow.Took about 7-10 days but the 3" of stem under the solution was FULL of fresh roots and now even though the new clone is weeks younger its bigger.
thats cool but i heard rob got roots in 3 days or so my goal is 3 days) i got huge moms and i can take as many as i want till i find the ultimate temp) ill post the process here maybe someone will find it useful
Nice one Babylon will awaight the progress reports as going along the same lines for my setup. Keep us all posted.
Fogger is a good 'idea'...but in reality it's a nightmare. The faulty part is the fogger unit itself - just watch how fast it burns out. There was a DIY thread I saw a while ago about this very type of cloning method - and the creator ended up scraping the project because he'd gone through like 4 of those foggers in a very short amount of time....
thats a good point man but i guess 3-5 days on a timer wont hurt if it burnes ill kick some ass at the store and get myself a new one)
whatup whatup! made some pics for yall the water temp is drifting 26-30 im using straight tap water this time ph 5.5 - 6.5 ill take a look at them tomorrow and i hope to see the roots there BTW this is THAI HAZE SKUNK and NORTHERN LIGHTS clones
damn...) no roots oin day 3 removed all extra green to redirect more energy to developing roots water temps still in range still waiting peace