With the bubble buckets what stores in ontario canada sell the tall 5G pales? Ive looked at a few homedepos and m going to rona today, I have every thing I need for it but the buckets.. If I cant find them what do you reccomend to use GC?
every lowes and home depot in my area... usa... has a slew of buckets. stacked up in displays in every store. i would suggest using the phone and calling the stores u have first. and they will be stocked on the shelves in the paint dept. $2.34 for the bucket and .99 for the top.
Better yet buy 5 gallons of paint. Paint the inside of your house and presto you have bucket. All kidding a side. I just sprayed 25 gallons of paint and was thinking, "boy I bet someone would want these buckets."
I got solid black 5 gal buckets at the hydro store, and you can also buy them online but black ain't cheap. Lowes, Home Depot, and WalMart all carry plain 5 gal buckets in the paint section, and lids are there as well.
Lowes are dark gray seem to work a little better. The hydro shop in town does sell them but even cooler is they sell the lid with basket already molded in. 6 inch mesh pot $4.58 8 inch mesh pot $4.58 10 inch mesh pot 5.10 Black bucket. $7.59 I can send to you. I hate for you to pull your hair out. I hope this helps. Now I'm going back to Design and Construction where I belong.
lowes is the best place. get their brand buckets. they're gray but opaque and that's what you need. they're 3.99 for the bucket and .99 for the lid. at least in FL that's the price.
I got some from the hydro store with built in buckets but one problem im having with my test bucket is making the air flow even cuz i have 3 air stones in my bucket but there not the good ones rumple uses, the local hydro store says 3 of the small red sprayers will do the 5g bucket, so i need help on setting up the 3 sprayers because I can get first 2 to work fine but then the last one dosent n the first has a bit more power, the owener of the store said sumthing like making a manafold but im not that far in my tech classes so I dont have a clu how to set up a manafold for air to spray 3 equaly
Micro-pore air diffusers are supposed to be the best. I bought a half dozen at the hydro store a few years back and they put out a ton of tiny bubbles. I made the mistake of letting them sit in buckets long after a harvest and they got salt buildup on 'em. Other than that they should work really good. Only thing is they're pricey, about $15 each. For a bubble bucket you don't need sprayers, jets, or misters. What you need is something to make bubbles, the smaller the bubbles the better. But, you can get a 2-pack of bubble stones at walmart or the petstore for less than $2 and that'll work almost as well. Drawback on those is they break apart very easy.
Wasabe is right the micro-pore stones are the shit .... but very expensive ... look 2 stones in each buck will be fine read Lets Build a Bubble Bucket *Step-By-Step* by mr Rumpleforeskin it sounds like your confused about what your building but an air manifold looks like this
Penn Plax Aqua-Mist Airstone Bar Air Stones or Add-a-Stone Airstone - 10 in. x 2 in. x 1/2 in. | Air Stones & Wands | Air Stones & Wands | Aquarium - ThatPetPlace.com These are what I have and do use, cheap long and work great. I use the second one now and have lasted me two full harvest and I may use them for a third coming up. At 3.99 you could get new ones every time if you wanted to. I silcone them to the bottom let dry 24hrs and they are good to go. I get all my air pumps stones and tubing all that from pet places online they seem to be Cheaper than the hydro stores since they are for fish not expensive grow set ups, found Whisper 100gal air pumps for under $20 buck last month got two of them, I have seen the same ones in hydro stores for $40 easy! Just what works for me, good luck in all you do.