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bubba kush?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by KushSmokaa, Feb 1, 2011.

  1. #1 KushSmokaa, Feb 1, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 1, 2011
    this kid in my school [highschool] says hes getting some bubba kush, but the thing is this kid always has pretty dank bud its just that he always has fake names.

    like the guy he buys from makes up names i guess and he believes it, this doesnt bother me that much since hes not selling schwag and trying to pull off the name shit but there not even real strains.

    like he sold me really good bud then told me later it was "Tropical Haze" and then he told me another time that its "Lemon Skunk" and he even tells his bestfriend [that i talk to] these names so hes not just trying to make up names he genuinely believes there real strains but like i said hes not selling schwag and callling it "Sour D"

    anyway to get to my question he says hes getting bubba kush and i want to know how i can tell if it really is bubba kush since this is the first real strain hes given me thanks.

    gimme links and stuff to pictures of the nugs also and let me know what you think of my situation pce.

    Edit - were around nyc, in northern jersey about 20 min away and he gets his bud from the surrounding suburbs and like right across the bridge im pretty sure ( im telling you guys this so you can figure out if bubba kush even exist around here idk)
  2. *Bump* anyone? i wanna go pick up later so i need to know soon sorry
  3. As long as its not schwag, you should be fine. You aren't paying more than you should than if you were told you were getting dank, right?
  4. [​IMG]

    There's really no telling brah, but if it really gets under your skin get a new guy.
  5. no im not paying a penny more for this "bubba kush" then i would pay for anything else but it would be nice to actually get what im told. and im perfectly fine with getting no name kush but dont you hate when people have no name bud so they name it themselves? pce

    also is bubba kush a sativa or indica, cuz i may be able to tell by the high, even though im not to "seasoned" of a toker yet pce

  6. Very true, I wish they would just say its no- name whatever. But it's a good motive of selling, by making it nicer sounding. :smoke:
  7. LMAO ive heard tropical haze around my highschool too. its made up though

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