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Bubba Kush

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by The Doors, Sep 24, 2010.

  1. Really, I'm still not very good with the Camera. I have been practicing with a lot of different modes and angles and backgrounds.
    the stuff is fucking bomb, I tried putting up some pics last night but I was jumping off walls while listening to Jimi Hendrix and Eruption by Van Halen. The smoke is really harsh and thick too but you feel the high instantly.



  2. Beautiful pick up that looks deliciouss how
    Much is that and how much did you pick that up for
  3. i had some very similar looking BK down here in MT back in March/April. Good shit, got baked and flew on a plane to phoenix for a lil vaycay. Fun stuff lol ;)
  4. My GOD, I wish I could share in some of that with you! My compliments my friend!!!! :eek:
  5. damn thats some good lookin bud.

  6. In these pics, there is around 4-5 grams.
    I got a quarter, but smoked a blunt right away and I also gave a gram to a friend.
    The quarter was $60
  7. Thats so nice. 60 for a quad of that out here in by it's like 75 a quad or more for dank like that
  8. I'm high as the clouds right now and after reading that, lol!!!
    Very fun indeed but also, makes me do all kinds of fucked up shit but damn listening to Jimi Hendrix, it's the best, literally feels like I'm playing the guitar.

  9. Weed is cheap in Canada :)
    Also very good quality.

    BUT at least you can find stuff of good quality, some people can't and they're stuck smoking mid-grade.
  10. I think beautiful definitely describes this pick up. Damn, that looks yummy. :love:

    Canada is so much more chill than America, ugh.
    Happy toking. ;)
  11. nice nice...
    enough pics?

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