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Bubba Kush x Royal Dane

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by Kaderade, Jan 22, 2010.

  1. I received and toked some special stuff this morning (Bubba Kush x Royal Dane). A pure enjoyment for both body and soul... and a cross between two special strains, in their own way. One compact Indica and the other a fast flowering, early outdoor Sativa that has been acclimatized for optimal growing in the North.

    This leans quite a lot to the kush side, for sure. Purple hue, very compact buds covered in resin; smells very kushy indeed, but tastes like a blend of the coffee/choco kushy taste and the fruity sweet taste of the Royal Dane. The potency is in the stratosphere! Like with most very potent strains I have smoked, it starts with a couple of extra heartbeats followed by a heavy body jolt, with quite good head effects. I felt like a lead pipe with a silly head. This toke is probably not the best for in the morning, but if you're going to have a lazy, relaxing day, I recommend it for anytime! :smoking:

    Enjoy the pictures!



  2. thats some bomb
  3. Oh yah man. :smoke:

    It's one of the most potent smokes I've toked in a while.
  4. killer lookin, i love the darker hues.
  5. Looks like some dank man!! Great pickup! :smoking:
  6. Thanks guys! :D

    I've been enjoying it thoroughly throughout today.
  7. nice man, looks crip.

    how's it taste?
  8. Thanks bro. :cool:

    The taste reminds me of a strong Lemon Kush. It pretty funky but leaves a quaint, sweet aftertaste in my mouth.

    Mmm. :smoking:

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