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Bubba Kush (lucky seed in a qp)

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by Cannible Ox, Sep 28, 2010.

  1. Found 3 seeds total in that batch. I germinated all of them and 2 came out female.

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  2. I envy you so much right now

  3. yea man this is some great smoke. thanks dude!
  4. Nice buds:). Wish I could hit some of that right now.
  5. That's some good luck man!:D
  6. too down man, enjoy :D

  7. thanks sir!

    When I roll some ill think of ya man!

    ill get more pics for yall. they are so damn frosty!
  8. looks like some good stuff, lucky of the seeds!
  9. here ya go

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