Brushing your Teeth...

Discussion in 'General' started by tea.mochi, Feb 4, 2011.

  1. ... Is AMAZING when you're high!
    Oh man, sometimes I just love to sit in the bathroom and give them a nice, long, massagingly soothing sort of scrubdown and it feels SOOOOOO good.

    You must try it.
  2. Same with washing your hands. :D:D
  3. I always end up fapping because it feels so good
  4. #4 Gatorboi117, Feb 4, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 4, 2011

    Hahaha, this!

    I do agree. Brushing your teeth while high gives you a weird sensation.
  5. I've never experienced this.. But maybe I just wasn't high enough. I usually do brush for extended amounts of time, but mostly because I get paranoid of the health of my teeth haha
  6. Have you ever tried brushing your teeth...


  7. this is very useful and i think i have to note down it.

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