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brownies, is this enough?

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by The Third Eye, Feb 6, 2011.

  1. i have an 8th of some dank that i bought to make brownies with for super bowl. i was wondering how many brownies i can make with that amount (how much per brownie) in order for the brownies to be effective?
  2. Honestly i think you should just smoke it. I imagine you could only get 3-4 effective doses from that in edibles if you were lucky, but im not sure. Ive never made edibles with dankage before.
  3. i am new to baking in order to get baked. But anyway, "they" say that a good rule of thumb is 1 oz per 1 lb of butter. (One standard stick of butter is a 1/4 pound). So since you have an 1/8, you'd want to use and 1/8 lb of butter, or half of a standard stick, or 1/4 cup of butter, or 4 tablespoons of butter, etc.

    The last brownie recipe I made called for an 1/8 pound of butter, so that recipe would be perfect for you. But like someone else said, it may be easier/better in the long run just to smoke it.
  4. I made firecrackers with 0.5g of dank each that put high tolerance people around a [7] but low tolerance to the moon, so from 3.5g of dank I'd guess around 7 really good brownies.

    Make sure to powder the herb before dunking it in the crock pot with butter, the finer the better. If you don't have a coffee grinder or something to get it really fine you can dry it out in the oven for 5-10min on 150F or so, then it's easy to crush in a bowl with a spoon or something.
  5. oh yeah the brownies worked, i had two very large brownies out of nine and i was pretty baked for about 7 hours.

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