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Brownies For Two

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by mlrock, Feb 9, 2011.

  1. So my friend and I are thinking of making pot brownies together. There's only two of us, and we're not sure how much weed is necessary to make two brownies. Any tips?
  2. You can't just make two brownies lol, you need to make a whole batch. People usually cook with about a 1/4 or 1/2 an ounce of bud.
  3. make a whole batch with 1/4th split it in half eat and get fucked:wave:

    have fun :D
  4. Brownies are too much work. Use a gram and cook it in peanut butter, you two will be nicely stoned.
  5. Use a quarter. Yield whatever the box suggests. Should give you a NICE two or even three doses for two people.

    I never used more than a quarter for four people. I have found that a good Sativa dominant strain gives me the best experience. Just my two cents.
  6. use high mids dont use dank shit

    i would rather smoke some dank herb then put it in brownies especially a quarter

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