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Brownies first timer. Help?

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by smellsgood, Jan 17, 2010.

  1. So i got Ghirardelli Double chocolate brownie mix heard it was the best brownie mix or something idk.

    it calls for 1/3 veggie oil, and baking it at 325 deg.. so im going to be doing cannaoil instead of cannabutter. gona use about 3-4 grams of weed [​IMG]fucking scale shit isnt being accurate.

    oh yeah and im going to be going by these guides/guidelines
    Pot Brownies
    i guess theyre pretty much the same.

    my questions are is that enough oil? enough weed? are there any better guides that you might know of? and like any other tips or advice would be greatly appreciated. thanks so much!
  2. 1 gram per person.

    So you could cut that brownie batch in three and each person would need to eat their entire third. Given you do everything correct, that will work.
  3. goddamn! thats pretty ridiculous itll be like eating a slice of pizza but its a brownie! hmmmm idk yet just using so much weed on brownies makes me feel like im wasting it. but on the other hand i really want to make brownies. wtf!
  4. You could just make a few .5 brownies. Take a bit, see how you feel, then take more if necessary.
  5. buy some schwag or get some trim and try it with that... but the better the bud the better the taste and high obviously...

    but just remember the golden rule... start slow, also if you have a temp gun or thermometer make sure oil does not exceed 220*

    I use 7 grams bud to 1 stick of butter.. or 21 grams trim to 2 sticks butter. i dont do the oil even if the box calls for it. substitute for butter.. sometimes more butter is better especially if you don't strain the plant material, which i reccomend you do by the way... it seems that to much plant material can make you trip, just be ready for it nothing bad will happen. your heart might race for a while, just try to calm down the best you can. also dont eat the whole batch... start slow!

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