Hey gc So my plants have been doing good until recently. On almost all my small plants the tops are turning a brownish color. And on my bigger plants all the tops are light green. I topped them all on Sunday Nutes Buddha Grow (2 - 0.25 - 1.5) Trinity (0.1 - 0.5 - 0.25) Amino-Aide ( 5 - 0 - 1) Ancient Amber (0.1 - 0 - 0) Extreme Serene (0 - 2 - 2) I give them nutes every week. I only give them Ancient Amber or extreme scene one at a time alternating weeks. Recommended is 5ml of each mixed in 1 gal. I have been mixing it in 2 gals. So 2gal/5ml instead of 1gal/5ml. So the nutes are a little diluted. Soil Happy frog + perlite Water Filtered garden hose water. Watering Wednesday and Sunday's. I give them a heavy soaking Lights 8 t5 4foot 54w each Containers 3 gal smart pots Big plants are 40-50 days old Little ones are 20-30 days old Is the browning due to to much water possibly? And yellowing possibly I need to up the nutes? And might I add they are not slow in growth. Plants are still growing quick
From my experience that yellowing is just from fast growing new growth. Fan leaves look nice and green, so I wouldn't throw more nutes at it.