Brown Recluses

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by ChillinOnRoofs, Aug 1, 2011.

  1. hate to sound like a know it all but spiders are actually arachnids. But it could still be said about both
  2. #42 SwagCaleb, Aug 1, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    Those Lil fuckers are penis peepers.
    I had a little cockroach problem when I moved in from the last owner,and I thought that was bad.
    I wouldn't sleep or anything if I saw brown recluses walking around.

  3. True true, its late and Ive been up way too long. I still wouldn't bet on them leaving immediately.
  4. That's why I'm up at 5am right now.. It seems like these past couple days they finally decided to reveal themselves instead of hiding away. The more I see the less I sleep. I mean its not like they are walking around and I see them like every couple minutes, but its like I'll see one here and there every once in a while.
  5. Oh shit, another place that would be horrible to get bit. Hard to get laid with half a penis. :D
  6. just move out now man...imagine all of the brown recluses your eyes will see in the process of moving! fuckkkkkkk
  7. I wonder if I get them high they'll realize I don't want trouble and they will move out.

  8. unless he leaves ALL OF HIS SHIT while moving that will fix NOTHING...for all we know their eggs could be hidden in all of his shit (underwear drawer etc etc). he would just be bringin those little bastards to his new place.
  9. MOTHER FUCKING BITCH! I just saw another one of those fucks when I went to the bathroom. I called an exterminator and hes gonna come later today to look around. I tried calling my landlord but he's probably still asleep, hopefully I can get rid of these bitches.
  10. am i the only person who thought this guy was just a racist asshole and was talking about mexicans the whole way through the thread??? :confused:
  11. #51 Kroptonik, Aug 1, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    Mmmm yeah....

  12. Same thing happens to me my heart rate goes up and I call feel my face turning red. You better hope they dont go in your shoe cause that would suck.
  13. :eek: Op you there? Hope those spiders didnt get you :(

  14. Ya I'm fine haha, haven't seen one since that last one. Exterminator is coming to my house in 15 minutes and my apartment smells like straight up dank. Wonder what he's gonna think. :rolleyes:
  15. "hey exterminator guy I tried my own extermination bombing didn't work out too just got me really stoned..."
  16. How goes it, man? Brown Recluses are my mortal enemies.
  17. Haha the exterminator guy walks in takes a big breath and gives me the *I know what you were doing* look. Well anyways he said its not as bad as an infestation as I thought and it will probably be a couple days to get rid of them. He got in my roof and sprayed the whole thing down with some chemicals. He checked every single dark spot there was and sprayed it down, and sprayed around all the edges of my apartment so when they crawl in they'll pretty much instantly die. He gave me these 3 bug bombs specially designed for spiders and told me to use them in two days. Hopefully this works. :)
    EDIT: Oh yea and within 5 minutes of him spraying those chemicals I have found 3 dead spiders.

  18. Good to hear its working out. The worst that can happen is the spiders come back and survive those three bug bombs.
  19. I'm glad to hear you taught those mofuckas
  20. Show them no mercy

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