Brown pistils in early flowering

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by Flopscotch, Aug 3, 2012.

  1. Been growing under cfls and outdoor light. Put my plant outside for a night and now it's in my greenhouse and this is the top. Havnt used any flowering nutes

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  2. Doesnt look like browning pistils, looks like browning of the leaves. Do you know its sex yet..?
  3. I'm pretty sure it's female. The lower pistils are browning too I only took a pic of the top I'm not home right now
  4. Second one is from a lower branch

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  5. Leaves were healthy last night

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  6. dude the browning is not pistils( the hairs on the cannabis buds), those leaves are browning. maybe you have a nutrient deficiency or maybe too much of something. idk ive never grown

  7. The second pic after this quote looks like light burn. Are you sure the cfls weren't too close even for a bit?

    If it's light burn, then just ignore and keep on growing. It won't grow back, but more shoots will grow from underneath it, just as if you topped it.
  8. ^ I think hes outdoor maybe in a greenhouse.

    nevermind, forgot to read the first post.
  9. I use cfls when it's not outside. I think I left it inside for like a week so maybe the sunlight was too much for it. I'm gonna get some super grow and some more cfls leave it inside until shes done
  10. Looks like light burn to me. Going from CFLs to direct sunlight definitely causes plants to burn.

    If you want to put the plant outside again.... You can put 1-3 layers of screen (depending on density) over the plant to limit the amount of light hitting the plant while it gets used to the sun. If the sun hits the plant directly in the morning or evening, that's fine... but in the part of the day where the sun is high, you want to keep the plant shaded by the screens. If you do use screens, try and keep an inch gap (or more) between them. Don't lay them on top of each other.

    Every 3-4 days, remove a layer of screen, assuming plants are not showing new signs of stress.

    If you want to keep going in and out with it, then I would keep the screens full-time.

    Good luck!
  11. Good advice I have it inside a pretty thick greenhouse u think that's good or should I screen it more? The green seems to be growing back in the top well. I ordered some ff big bloom too
  12. Unless your greenhouse is shaded somehow, I would use screens until the plant is growing healthy again. If it's already starting to look good, then the plant has already adjusted.

    Be careful using PK (bloom boost) in soil. It is very easy to use too much. Also wait to use it until you see pistils. The plant isn't in need of big amounts of PK until flowering starts.


  13. so your on grasscity in the sick forum section posting on peoples problems when youve never grown before...?
  14. ^Yes I guess he is, and hes pretty much 100% correct..

  15. Yea and how he ended with "I don't know I've never grow before" shuld really assure the grower with the problems. How do you even know hes correct when not only has the grower not updated us in what the problem was...and also how do you know what the exact problem was? What, you know the answer based off a couple photos? Please problem is that it's a forum for people who need help by people who know what they're talking about. Would you go to a doctor for surgery who's never done surgery before?
  16. You also used the words I gess...and maybe in one sentence describing him. Not even you think what he said was worth sayig. Don't contradict yourself
  17. Well he was right about them not being pistils and instead being the actual leaves of new growth that are burnt.

    I don't see any pistils on that plant...
  18. Yo Lil' DJ90, check it, yo, yo yo:

    I said I guess he is : commenting... read back boy.

    Yo lil brain be holdin back yo potential.
  19. Flopscotch- compare and contrast with these images. And post some clearer pics!

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