2/3 of my plants began showing these symptoms about a week and a half ago. Yellow/brown edges and some plants are even showing some curled leaves towards the top. Ive attached photos from multiple different plants. All Cherry Wine CBD strain. We had fertigated the plants just before i noticed these symptoms, so I am beginning to think this could be some form of excess or bad nutrient ratio.... It was a mixture of FF Big Bloom, Grow Big, and some Cal Mag. I mixed them together to create a mix that was something like 5-15-10. That being said, we have only used once a month dry fertilizers before that so it would surprise me if the soil is too hot. I doubt it. Also, we had borax added to the water to keep our termite problem at bay. Could it be the plants flushing out the borax? Or possibly stressed from the borax? There has been a TORRENTIAL amount of rainfall in the past week as well, so that may or may not have something to do with it. One last thing I will mention is that our pH is still closer to 6 than 7, so any defienciency would most likely be of the more high pH loving nutrients. I had even added baking soda as a top dress at one point during veg to try and raise pH. Thanks in advance.
Damn I had an extra plant so I just gave it mad miracle grow n the leaves curled the same way and the leaves literally burnt n looked very similar but that sucks
yeah the termites were a real bitch. they make the plant look like its 1000 other issues before it dies, so if we had just thought to dig down in the soil first we would've saved all of the unneeded fertilizer/sprays that we used. oh well. lesson learned