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Brown (algae?) growth, biofilm/root rot

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by perkpops, Apr 7, 2023.

  1. I'm new to cannabis cultivation and this is my second attempt at hydroponics. Last time, I gave up after a massive algae growth took over the whole system and I gave up. I'm about two weeks into the new system and am finding the exact problem taking place.

    I checked my DWC systems today and found every single one had a massive growth of some sort of biofilm, possibly algae, floating around and attaching onto the roots of my 3-week old plants. From the start, all buckets and any related equipment was soaked in 3% H2O2 for a day or so before transplanting. They seemed okay, and even seemed okay after the first res change.

    Yesterday I noticed there seemed to be a small amount of growth in one of the systems, but since I didn't know how to handle it I gave the problem to tomorrow-me. Tomorrow's here, and it's in all four tanks, has covered all the roots, and is floating all throughout the buckets. I've put a lot of work into these and am really frustrated at the idea of losing all of it to the same issue that made me give up hydroponics a year ago.

    All systems receive:
    Lotus Grow, currently @ 720ppm as per the Lotus DWC grow guide, 2mL/gal Hydroguard, with an additional 3mg/res added yesterday, 1.5mL/gal CalMag. It sits right around 72F, at 5.8pH. Hydroguard is supposed to be "the stuff" to combat and prevent root rot and bacterial growths but it seems to do NOTHING. I have no clue how to deal with it, because it seems like no matter how many hours I put into cleaning, flushing and re-adjusting the water, it'll just come back the next day.

    Does anybody have some insight on how I can avoid losing my harvest? 1.jpg 2.jpg
  2. That looks like root rot. it happens but you can get through it.I’d hit the with 5ml per gal bleach every day for 4-5 days or you can use pool shock, I don’t know the dosage or procedure for that. Then change out your res and rinse out the hydroton, add a 5x dose of hydrogaurd and any other beneficial bacteria you may have. Is a bitch to get rid of completely. You will also need to sanitize all your meters and anything else that has any chance of being contaminated. I use southern ag garden friendly fungicide instead of hydrogaurd, it way way more concentrated and cheaper. The bleach will mess with your ph so check it fairly often. The first couple days pour a cup or two of the nutrient/ bleach solution over the hydroton too so the fungus can’t hideout in there.

    Btw h2o2 only last about 5 hours in the res and kills the beneficial bacteria in hydrogaurd.
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  3. #3 trojangrower, Apr 7, 2023
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2023
    I'd bubble in 1% final concentration of H2O2 for an hour (after cleaning my gear), change out, remake a solution and add better bennies.
    I've been having luck using EarthAlive's product Activator along with RootShield. The Rootshield (T. Hazardum or whatever) costs a bit, but I split it up into vacuum sealed bags and froze the packs (-20C).
    But the #1 killer is temps.
    65°F is what you want. You can ice pak the res. What I do is take two empty bleach bottles (thick plastic) and fill them with RO water + calmag, squish them a bit, and seal the bottle. Place the bottles in the freezer. Make sure you squish the bottles before you seal them because the bottles will expand when they are frozen. I use two bottles to alternate each day (ie. one in the freezer, one in the res).
    or buy a chiller.

    edit: Also, recently I've been using Barley Extract in my Bato systems to help clarify the algae. Does it do anything? idk... I got that idea from @Ironhead posts.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. Hydroguard can be added in large quantities without hurting your plants. You could raise the amount you are using a lot and see if it helps.
    Or go the other route and nuke everything that is not a root with Hypochlorous Acid. It will 100% take care of the root rot and you will never see it again. It is sold by Athena as Cleanse, and other manufacturers as well. I do 10ml/gallon full lifecycle, way above the recommended dosage, and all root are bright white all the time.
  5. A LOT cheaper than Cleanse:


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