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broward county florida

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by whiterussian59, Jan 14, 2010.

  1. Pieces broward cownty florida? Bublers and bongs?
  2. Go to the Swap Shop bro or just google headshops broward county
  3. yeah swap shop got alot of shit, its kinda sketchy tho like a 3rd world country hah... jus hit up a gas station bro they all over
  4. lmao thats why i love the swap shop, its like being at home
  5. grateful j's is in margate, they have a decent selection. nothing high end but lots of phire, ph(x), etc. side effects in margate too, smaller selection. plenty of gas stations and whatnot sell prodo glass, but if you're in the market for that, you should go to the swap shop, they have the best selection of prodo. personally i just make the trek to boca and go to the hemp factory, easilly the nicest selection i've seen in south florida aside from laughing buddah in miami.

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