Brother just took 9 7.5-20 vics. ADVICE ASAP

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by neff, Oct 29, 2009.

  1. So my brother is stupid and never smokes weed so he decided to get away from his problems with his girlfriend that he would take 9 7.5-20 mg vicodins and a bunch of vodka to try to relieve his pain. I don't know why he would do this but he did and now my mom is worrying a lot and isn't sure what to do. I realised there is very low aceptomine or whatever it is, so his liver wont be hurt really, but is this a lot? Should he be fine if he just waits it off, or what do you all suggest? He is prob 150-160 and 5'4 or 5'5 i would say.

  2. he should be fine, shit he should be feeling fucking awesome, just do not let him drink anymore!
  3. I figured he would be fine, but my mom is freaking out over it and isn't sure what to do. I keep saying he will be fine, i was just word about the ibeprofein but there was only 200 in each.

    But just wanted some reassurance for my mom hahaa Thanks!
  4. ya, he should be fine, but like he said, make sure he doesn't drink anymore. thats not a good combo.
  5. Just watch him, if he starts to have trouble breathing or changes color to a pale or blue color and becomes unresponsive I would call 911, take him into the hospital or at least contact a poison control center.

    You don't get a second shot with your health, he will probably be fine, but like I said watch him and if it starts to go south do not hesitate to seek professional help.
  6. Tell him to walk it off.

    He'll hopefully be fine, keep him away from the alcohol, if you think he's looking ill you need to go get him to the doctors ASAP.

    Keep him awake though too, just incase :D
  7. How is he doing now? I hope everything is ok.

    How much is "a lot of alcohol"? If he drank like a bottle and downed all that vicodin with no tolerance then you should be concerned.

    Like everyone said, keep him awake and keep an eye on his breathing and color.
  8. wow that is a big ass dose of hydro. health wise he should be fine since it's low tylenol but it depends what you mean by alot of alcohol.
  9. Yeah I forgot to mention don't let him go to sleep. Keep him awake until he is again lucid. Give him some coffee and converse with him to keep him awake..
  10. Currently he is trying to puke and has been sitting by the toilet with his girlfriend, me and my mom went out to try to find epicop or somethign to make him throw up and then a pharmasist told us to go to the hospital and my mom is freakin out, so i think he is going to the hospital
  11. #11 Toke N' Choke, Oct 29, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 29, 2009
    Not sure why everyone saying thats a low dose....if they're lortabs they most likely have 7.5hydro/500apap

    at 9 pills that's 4500mg of APAP...which is really unsafe - and with liquor its much worse. Why don't you look at the bottle.
  12. I posted in the first post it was 7.5-20 Toke N' Choke.

    But as much as I didnt want to have to have him deal with the hospital and everyone else, they got him out of the bathroom and walked him to the car and he is going to the hospital now. I think he would have been fine either way, but thats alot of hydrocodone for someone with no opitate tolerence and a large amount of vodka.

  13. Ah ok that's really low. I didn't know there was hydros with only 20apap. No worries then. Just be careful with the hydro/liquor combo. That shit will fuck you up.
  14. Yo neff, you should see if you can find the exact pills online. There are no pills that just have 20apap in them.
  15. Hydros for animals have little to no apap.

  16. the 7.5/20 means 200mg
  17. So why not write 7.5/200 like everybody else?

    20 means 20. Not 200

  18. oh, that's nothing then. he'll be fine. Just don't let him drink; he'll feel really good otherwise.
  19. He's going to feel like such an asshole when he sobers up.
  20. If he had taken APAP I'd be worried but 1.8g of ibuprofin -- while not the recommended dose -- will NOT kill him.

    I've taken at least 10 in one day before.

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