so I gave my bro $360 to get me an ounce of White Widow. My bro has done deals with him many times before so he trusted him. He gave him the money and the dude said he will be back with the stuff and never came back. All I have is the guys number. If I can find out where he lives I will go and kick his ass and get my money back plus more. Any advice/help? I'm ragin, especially at my brother for giving him the money before even seeing the product. Cliffs: Gave my bro $360 for ounce Dealer takes money, doesn't give anything Bro got scammed I'm pissed Got dudes number
Dude, first of all, chill out. Because of this right here, try and figure out what the hell went wrong with this particular deal before you start looking to kick anyones ass over this. Yeah, it's a lot of money, but you've got some history there, and you certainly don't want to look to burn a bridge with a dealer if it's your only connection right now... Just talk with your bro and find out what went wrong. Maybe between you two you can figure out who's ass needs kicking and when. Good luck, hope it works out!
How do you know your brother didn't just take your money and blame it on the dealer, or just bought some bud and kept it?
I'm just saying, $360 is a lot of money, your bro could be in some financial difficulties. Regardless, if you do confront the dealer you need to be aware of what you're doing. Keep in mind who he knows and what he knows about you. I've been in situations where I had to talk people that got mildly ripped off out of shooting up someone's house. Violence is very rarely the answer and if you're prepared to basically go to war with this kid, just be sure it's worth $360. Drug dealers ARE criminals, so if you think it's worth a few hundred to go and start what could be a very bloody/deadly confrontation with this guy, go ahead. Personally I think you should try talking to the guy. Yeah I know it sucks, you lost quite a bit of money, you're pissed and you have every right to be. But I just can't see it being worth a few hundred dollars, a trip to the hospital easily costs more, and these situations escalate so easily.
U positive your brothers not pullin any shadyness? Not tryin to accuse anybody, just pointing out any possibility.
i kind of agree with that dude. the dealer might not be a bitch, and plus it's not about that it's just weed, sadly the goverment makes people that just smoke a plant have to deal with criminals, money is money dude, 360$ worth of weed or crack is no difference to a dealer, it's 360$ in the end.
It's more so just the kind of people I'm used to dealing with. Violence escalates extremely easily and I've seen quite a few dealers carry more guns then they can shoot. Even if the dealer himself isn't violent, he probably knows at least a few people that are (Who doesn't know people that they could call up to go fight with them/seriously mess some people up?). I normally try to avoid violence with everyone simply because you don't know who has a gun or who's gonna call some of their friends up and shoot you up.
seems drastic to shoot someone up over bud. if they have the balls then they have the bigger balls honestly.
that's why u shouldn't ever give money before you get your product in return. especially 360$ maybe 10 or 20$ t would be alright
not gonna lie this same type of thing happened to me over 400$. So i set the kid up 6 months later and me and my friend bubba beat him down so bad, and fuckin kneed him in the face. it was a 400$ beat down
That sucks dude. Money doesn't go out of one hand without herb going to my other one. Anyway. Figure out what went down. Violence is never an answer. It's really lame and people are really fucked up but at least it will never happen to you again.. Right? I mean, don't let it happen to you again.
You should have bought it yourself, then these types of things wouldn't happen, no one to blame but yourself bud
Do you know anybody else the guy sells to? Call him up and say your "whoevers" boy, or even get said guy in on it to call and verify for you, you go meet him, beat him.
you gotta learn to forget about trust when dealing with buying drugs, you learned it the hard way so did more than 50% of people. just never front money for any purchase you make, wether it be a legal or illegal one also never give the money to one guy so that guy can grab the bag. That way its less likely to end up in a greedy kids hands.