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Broken Stem

Discussion in 'Bongs, Dab Rigs, Bubblers, Water Pipes' started by tomsaywer561, Nov 6, 2014.

  1. So, my slide got stuck in my bong the other day, and as I was trying to pull it out, the top of the downstem broke off, there were 2 clean breaks where it happened, and i tried to superglue the pieces back on. It worked at first but after i couple rips the glass just fell off.  Its a custom Creations bong just like the link attached, it broke right at where the bowl piece goes into the downstem. Whats the best way to fix it? I dont wanna put 175$ in the trash ):

  2. I've never met anyone who wants to put $175 in the trash. 

    Going by the price I would say it's China glass, is that correct?

    I can tell you one thing is for certain, you have enjoyed some glue vapour with the hits you took. I don't mean to be rude but it takes a real moron to glue something that will have heat applied to it for the purpose of inhaling. Please use your head before doing something so stupid in the future otherwise you won't live a very long/healthy life. 

    If it is China glass repairing it is a complete waste. And honestly, at $175, even though I have no experience with glass repair, I would say it would easily cost you $100 for the repair you need. Then you have to ask yourself if $75 is worth the difference between a repair and a brand new piece. 

  3. It was just something quick while waiting, I know it doesn't solve it in the long run. And it was that cheap because I got it discounted, thanks for the harsh criticism.
  4. L0L c2 glass isnt china glass.
  5. I had to be harsh to get the point across, what you were doing was very dangerous towards your health both mental and physical. 

    Ok so it's actually a piece worth repairing, you're going to need a professional; here is a good place based in Minnesota that seems to have some good prices.

    "Joint Repairs
    Major Brands: $50 = RooR, Illadelph, HBG, Grav Lab, VIP, Straight tube style or inlines"

  6. #6 Old School Smoker, Nov 7, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 7, 2014
    I have the same problem. That why i use acrylic. I would be so embarrassed and ashamed to admit i broke a 175 bong (and tried to repair it with super glue) when I could have got a half ounce for the money.
  7. #7 SedatedIndividual, Nov 7, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 7, 2014
    LMAO. I always look forward to your condescending guilt trips that follow any broken glass thread.
  8. JB Weld's new all-in-one putty use the foodgrade waterpipe version for fixing pipes under your sink and shit The shits good to thousands of fucking degrees if you get some goldleaf you can cover the surface of it with goldleaf and make it look like electroformed unit
  9. ¡hahahah! ¡you ALLWAYS git em! ¡hahahah!
  10. Oi I'm visiting moms pad up Palmdale if you wanna smoke one
    @Old School Smoker
  11. . They are always there lol. U just have to look for them sometimes

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