Broken Piece resin

Discussion in 'General' started by tommydaboy, Feb 28, 2009.

  1. i finnaly broke my piece thats been with me for about 4 months, i always ran water through it and cleaned it regularly, it was an odd piece and it was hard to clean, i could notice a black resin building inside it, when it broke the inside was caked with wet resin. it smelled pretty bad. i was wondering if i should ball the resin up and smoke it, is it toxic/moldy, is it safe?
  2. Go for it man.

    In no way it's GOOD for your lungs, but that's you desicion. Other than that it's waiting for ya!
  3. leave the resin for when your desperate to get high. if its not that big of a deal to get high, then leave the resin alone. its smelly, tastes horrible, and can give you a bad headache.. plus the high doesnt last that long.
  4. Like smoking anything is good for your lungs... Roll that shit up into a ball and put it away for a rainy day, from my experience I always get blasted when I smoke a moderate amount.
  5. Psh I don't know what yall are talkin' bout. I'm currently burning through a wall of resin built up in my bong slide (non-removable) and I am hiiiiigh as hell with no headache. Bout it, bout it! :D
  6. what i really meant was if you smoke some rezin throughout the day. if you smoke a bunch of it once yea you probably wont get a headache.
  7. yeah you can smoke it. Grab something to drink though, its going to taste bad. But trust me, it will get you super high.
  8. Yeah man, just ball that up and stash it. Save it for hard times and just burn bud till you need it.
  9. shits terrible for your lungs but it gets you high if you're that desperate.
  10. my bowl has a small carb and a small hole to the chamber so i have to play with a safety pin for a while to get resin out.
    i had two resin bowls after i scrapped my bowl and started over, its not even resinated at all yet lmao, i got a new bubbler :p
    i always clean the chamber out after a bowl though cause a, i like it clear, b i like to watch the smoke.

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