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Broken Illadelph

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by endorphins17, Aug 8, 2012.

  1. Ok, so basically I bought myself a $300 illadelph blue and platinum label bong for my birthday as a gift to myself. A month after I got it, the downstem got stuck in there and I guess I pulled a bit too hard and chipped a piece of the joint off. The chip slowly turned into a crack going down from the opening of the joint, and that crack got bigger, and bigger. Finally my bong fell over and hit a coffee mug and that crack broke the joint off clean. As well as clean break right around the tube, seperating the top tube from the base. Oh yeah, forgot to mention its a straight tube. But fuckkk, I loved that bong. and spending $300 on a piece of glass to have it break in 8 months is shitty. I always kept it super clean and the glass is not stained whatsoever.

    POINT IS, I was wondering if anybody in knows of a reputable glass blower in Ontario that I can send it to, or even anywhere in Canada if I have to. The cracks are clean cracks, I can stand the top piece of the tube on the bottom without it even falling over (I could probably even take a rip out of it haha). I ain't no glass blower, but with some high quality glass like this it seems like it could be an easy fix (assuming the joint would be cut and completely replaced)

    I will post some pictures soon, please help!
  2. If you find a glass blower you can get it repaired cheap. Maybe you could ask your lhs if they can point you to the right guy.
  3. So sorry for your loss :(
  4. I've asked a the local head shops we have here in Sarnia, ON but they didn't know any. anybody know of any in London, ON? or even anywhere in Ontario. I go to school in London and will be going back there soon. If anyone can help it would mean the world to me.
  5. This, + i feel sooo bad for you man. I know the feeling, except someone else broke my piece, $160 gone to waste :mad:

    Either way, keep smokin' brothaa :smoke:

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