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Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by zaaron21, Jan 22, 2010.

  1. so im bored and broke, and all out of bud. what should i do?
  2. Read a book?

    Carve some wood?

    Go for a walk?

    Make soup?


    Skip rocks?

    Mow the lawn?

    Draw a penguin?

    There, now you have a bunch of ideas. :p
  3. stare at a wall for 8 hours a day or you can get off your ass and get a job
  4. Scrape some resin out of a bowl if ya got 1. Or do what the other guys said. I like my idea better.:D
  5. to become a true stoner, you must suck a cock for a gram.
  6. choke the chicken

  7. no bowl just been smoking blunts lately since im at college. only have 9 bucks in my bank account :(
  8. There is your proble, joints and blunts burn through a lot of weed quickly.
    Use a pipe in the future, or a bong even. Just dont smoke resin, its mostly tar and doesnt get you very high.
  9. I'm with this guy. Do something constructive. There's more to life than the next high. As far as what to read, I suggest Bukowski, Wolfe (Acid Test is seriously great), Palahniuk, or whatever you find interesting. Listen to some records, if you have any. Get a job for some extra cash. Clean your room. Anything, really.

  10. yeah thanks. trying to get a job on campus but its difficult at my school
  11. Same. The only way to get a job on campus (or off even, since its just a small college town) is to apply in the summer. They're all taken by move-in over here
  12. call a buddy, smoke his weed

  13. nobody i know has weed. and the people that do dont like to share
  14. Dude thats rediculous! I get as as hell from resin. Although thats might have something to do with my low tolerance, even though ive been smoking everyday for 4 years.:smoking:

  15. new jersey lol

  16. This. #1 rule to being a stoner.
  17. fixed it for you;)
  18. if only it was that easy for everyone to just "get a job"
    • Like Like x 1

  19. palahniuk is good well one out of the two i have read. have you read snuff? really intense crazy shit.

    go do some yoga. it helps you get your mind off things plus there are always chicks there, thats if you want to gawk at their bodacious booties in super tight pants. there should be some programs at you school which may be free, since you are in college.

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